I know it has been quite a while since we last talked. A lot has changed, and stayed the same here in Owenland Park. I promise to do my best to get you all caught up. For now, let's take a peek at Jack and Wyatt. They finally participated in their all school talent show!
Take a look at Wyatt's contribution with Ode to Joy!
Wy is in 2nd grade and has been taking piano for about a year and a half. Ode to Joy is Wyatt's favorite piece of music. He hums it everywhere he goes.
And here is Jack's contribution with a theme from the Mario Bros video games
Jack is in 4th grade now and has been taking piano for almost 4 years.
More soon!
Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
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on Thursday, August 22, 2013
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Stephen's day care has begun to implement a curriculum. He comes home with schoolwork that he did during the day. This is his very first assignment. It is currently hanging on the art/special homework wall in the dining room.
Stephen loves to help.
He particularly loves to help when you aren't looking.
Here he has helped to feed the cat.
With so much going on in the mornings now that we are back into school mode, we have to keep a sharp eye out to make sure Stephen doesn't make it into the bathroom alone.
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The fellas are really starting to get into action movies - especially Wyatt. His favorite thing to do is use legos to recreate characters or locations from movies. His second favorite thing to do is to rummage through his clothes and put together costumes so he can be his favorite characters. Here he is as one of the agents from Men In Black.

BTS 2013 2014
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First day of School 2013 2014.
Short Stack wanted in on the photo op so he drug his back pack over to the line up.
Jack was nervous because his teacher sat him between two girls. He actually told me I couldn't leave. I whispered to him that his teacher has to keep the girls separated because they talk to much. He seamed ok with that and let me get on my way.
It won't be too much longer and he will be taller than the sign!
Ready to get to work!
Home again, home again, jiggity-jig! First day of school chocolate cookies and milk. They hugged me, kissed me and crowned me "The Best Mom EVER!"
I'll take it.
Go Rockets
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Wyatt is playing soccer again this fall. His team is called The Rockets! They had their first game this Saturday. Unfortunately they lost but at least they were starting to play positions instead of Herd-Ball where everyone runs as one overly large amoeba.
Jack will not be playing soccer. 3rd graders move up to a larger field and they needed so many boys to maintain their team. They didn't have enough players moving on so the boys who chose to continue wound up trying out for competitive teams. That isn't something Jack is interested in doing. So we are going to try cross country if we can get a coach. I'm not sure what we will have J do if we can't come up with a coach. I think he needs to be involved in some sort of sport. We will just have to wait and see what happens.
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Mom, Devon and I picked up the boys early from day care last week and took them for a surprise trip to Tropical Sno. They have the best shaved ice!
And these are the SMALL option.
Jack has pina colada with blueberry.
Wyatt selected green apple.
And we saddled Short Stack with cherry (which is now my favorite).
Devon picked root beer float.
Mom opted for rainbow.
I had my standard pina colada.
The best thing about going with friends is the sharing of bites!
Even the small is bigger than his whole head!
We love Tropical Sno!
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Wyatt has started reading to Stephen. He only reads Star Wars books to the little guy but he is reading to him. We have also started calling Stephen "Short Stack" so much so that Wyatt now calls him by that nick-name.
The boys often play Rock-Paper-Scissors over who gets to buckle Stephen into his car seat. I love that they help him so much.