Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.

(This what I like to call a Lee Press-on Tattoo. It is a pig's head. Who thinks "And for Valentine's Day temporary kid tattoos, let's do a pig's head! Yeah! The kids will LOVE that!"?)
Jack likes to call this "Dancin' Underwear Boy"
And since Jack is "Underwear Boy" Wy of course needs to be "Dancin' Pajama Boy"

So I called Wyatt Tom Cruise when I walked in and found him struttin' his stuff in his shirt and sox. He did not like being called Tom Cruise. "VAT IS NOT MY NAME".
The boys have started running around with their own version of this...
My favorites:
Jack: My name is EBENEEZER, you killed my father. Pre-pare to die!
Wyatt: Diesel 10, you killed my father. Prepare to die!
Noah brought his fam in for a day visit yesterday. The boys went WILD. All day long it was "Is Noah here yet?" "Where is Noah?" "WHEN will he GET here?" When he finally showed up we let the boys run out on the deck where they stood there jumping up and down with excitement. Once Noah was in the house it was non-stop fun. They were running, playing, jumping, eating, eating, eating. I made chocolate chip cookies - and you won't believe this but I made them with a stick and a half of butter. Those were some good cookies, people. MMMMM. Just ask Noah - he managed to create chocolate chip cookie lipstick with his cookie.

more soon.
Love and blessigns,
the gang
To celebrate their 100th day of Kindergarden, the kinders created a 100 page. They each brought in 100 of something (seeds, cut up straws, pennies, cheerios, cotton balls etc.) and they each put together 10 groups of 10 to glue onto their papers. I heard from the teacher that most everything fell off the papers as some of the kids didn't actually use glue. Some things fell off because they didn't use enough glue and then things fell off in the kids' bags just from being jostled around. I opened Jack's bag and found a puddle of cut up straws and a handful of buttons...
If I ever wind up in jail it is because I kidnapped this little cutie. She is adorable and just the sweetest little thing I have ever met.

This young man has the energy than the sun.

The kids fought and fought for my attention and the opportunity to pose for the camera. "Jack's mom! Over here! Jack's mom! Jack's MOOOOOM"!"

And last but not least, Jack and I helped this young lady when we played Spelling Bingo at the Valentine party.

You can see more Valentine's day fun by following this link to our Shutterfly account and looking under February 2011
http://owenlandparkproductions.shutterfly.com/Happy late Valentine's day!
John took the gang out for dinner at the Japanese Steak House Sunday night. We made sure to explain to the boys in advance how a man would cook our dinner right at our table and he would make a big fire on the stove. What I think is cute is that Wy was fine with everything until after the guy was done setting the table on fire. A few minutes later is when Wy decided to hole up in my lap with his face buried in my neck until dinner was ready.
I think what was most disturbing to them both is the fact that we had other folks sitting at our table. Strangers to our left and strangers to our right. It did not meet with their approval.
The fellas built a bird feeder - but it is really a squirrel feeder. All this guy needs is a pair of knee high boots and an eye patch and he could be selling bottles of rum. John and the boys looked out the window a few days ago to find 5 squirrels ATTACKING the bird feeder. I think this guy invited his out of town family in for the weekend and hooked them up with the free breakfast buffet...
One of Jack's recent class projects is to create a family heart. The whole family was given the assignment of decorating a large white heart. As you can see, Jack immediately put a huge blue train on it and was about to cover the rest of the available space with trains. I managed to convince him that our whole family life did not revolve around trains and that maybe we should put some other things on there. He didn't quite believe me and wasn't too happy about it but he acquiesced in the end - especially after I found a picture of a cheese pizza with a pepperoni heart pattern...
Jack saw this little guy on the way to school this morning. I stopped and took a picture for him to use as his show and tell today. I just e-mailed it to his teacher and they pulled it up on the computer. Now that's some fancy schmancy show and tell footwork!
First you open the refrigerator door and move a few things around...
The only way to eat toast!