Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
Jack started piano lessons two weeks ago. He is supposed to practice his lesson each day which doesn't take long. Every day this week he has run to the piano as soon as we got home and he plunked through some of his lessons. He hasn't done everything and I haven't pushed him to do absolutely everything because I want him to have fun and stay interested in what he is learning.
He asked me to stay for his first lesson - I snuck out my camera when the fellas weren't looking...
You may think we are insane for hopping in the hot tub during this heat wave but it has been delightful as far as I'm concerned. Yes, it has been hot, but the power jets have been worth every moment of hot. Jack loves being in the hot tub and begs every night to get in.

Wyatt does not like the hot tub because he doesn't like ANYTHING hot. He refuses to put his hand in the water to test the temp because the thing is called a HOT tub. He finally gave in and tipped the tippy tip top of his finger into the water for a nano second and said "See, I tried it for you and it is too hot!

I took the boys bowling on Monday. We turned out to be the troublemakers at the alley that afternoon. While I was answering a phone call, Jack decided that our lane wasn't good enough and THREW his ball down the lane next to us. We had to ask the manager to retrieve the ball as that lane wasn't open at the time. 10 minutes later Wy decided to roll the ball from as far away from the lane as possible and before I could catch it, it too went rolling down the defunct lane beside us. Again we had to ask the nice man behind the counter to get our ball back.
The boys were with me at work for a bit Friday evening. I was working on a project when I looked over and saw Jack sitting in one of our office chairs. He was just sitting in the chair and spinning, spinning and spinning. I asked him what he was doing and he said "I'm playing President Obama." An image flashed through my mind of the President sitting in what I like to call the "non-negotiations". Can't you just see the President sitting there listening to Mr. Boehner and suddenly heave a huge kid-like bored/frustrated-out-of-my-mind sigh and just start spinning his chair in circles? As I was giggling over this image Jack says "Wyatt, I need help. You has to give me some money." I am not even making this up. It makes me wonder if that was just an accident or if Jack actually takes in something from all the NPR I listen to.

Wyatt has been obsessed with cleaning over the past few days. He spent 20 minutes cleaning the kitchen sink and then moved on to swipe the stove, the dishwasher, the floor, my shoe, the refrigerator and the trash can. Everything got a big swishy swipe with a dripping wet dish scrubby, but according to Wy everything is now clean.

Wyatt fell in the parking lot last night and scraped his face hands and knees. We put neosporin on it and he said "I'm all better! Don't touch it pleath, mommy."

Jack participated in First Grade Jump Start this week. He spent an hour each evening with his Kindergarten teacher and many of his classmates. They reviewed classroom rules, the skills they learned as kinders and even had some homework every night!

The last day of Jump Start the teacher let the kids make Play-Doh creations. Jack brought home a volcano, a rattlesnake and a baseball. Not sure how they all fit together, but there it is.
Jack is campaigning for back yard camping. He draws "maps" of how we will set up the back yard when we get tents. He describes timelines of what we will do when we camp in the yard - like we will play, then we will eat, then we will have movie night, then we will stay up all night in the tents... I'm not sure I'm down with staying up all night but if I get my hands on a tent and some serious bug repellent, then we may have a camp out or two.
Here are the kinders performing in the end of year Spanish recital. Thank your lucky stars I didn't attach the other videos I took.
Things that make me giggle: Wy's little power drill standing at attention next to Daddy's DeWalt. Now if we only had a Makita, things would really be rocking!

The boys like to go for rides on Gammy's laptop tote. This is probably why the extending handle doesn't work on her bag anymore.

The boys ran downstairs one morning super excited that they got dressed without anyone nagging them - and their super secret was that they matched their outfits all on their own.
I know, I know - it's been over a month since I last posted. I promise to get back to business.
Melanie made one of her famous cakes for Wy's birthday! Thanks Aunt Melanie!!!

We had the Abels clan over for the day for a bbq and lots of running around. Wy loved opening presents.

Satisfaction is a Thomas toy.