We went to the Plaza the other night to pick up hot chocolate at the Starbucks and to drive around looking at Christmas lights. On the way out of the Plaza we saw a helicopter fly over us. I said it was most likely a life flight heading to Children's Mercy. Wyatt immediately suggested we pray the Hail Mary
and the Glory Be for the people in the helicopter - so we did.
It amazed me to suddenly understand that you have no idea who might be praying for you.
Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
He's got soul.
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The response before yesterday's Gospel was "To you, oh Lord I lift my soul, to you I lift my soul!"
Wyatt asked me "What is a soul?"
I said "Do you know how your heart feels when your feelings are hurt or when you hurt someone else's feelings?"
And holding up both hands he said to me "Oh, it's like the two little voices that tell you what is easy to do making his right hand talk like a puppet) and what is hard to do (making his left hand talk like a puppet). Cuz the right thing to do isn't the easy one, right?"
I think he got it.
Wyatt asked me "What is a soul?"
I said "Do you know how your heart feels when your feelings are hurt or when you hurt someone else's feelings?"
And holding up both hands he said to me "Oh, it's like the two little voices that tell you what is easy to do making his right hand talk like a puppet) and what is hard to do (making his left hand talk like a puppet). Cuz the right thing to do isn't the easy one, right?"
I think he got it.
Pinewood Derby 2013 plans
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on Friday, December 21, 2012
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Jack worked up the drawings for his 2013 Pinewood Derby entry. He did all of this free hand and with no help. I like his specifications and details.
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So this is the audience of our 12:00 show on the snow day. If you notice the kids sitting on the floor, mine are the two loners at the back of the group. I took this picture of my infared camera that I use to watch scene shifts etc. Sometimes things in the middle of the show look pretty cool on that thing.
Someone had a birthday.
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Little nephew Stephen turned 1 this week! Happy birthday, Stephen!
I'm not a baker. And Melanie is the cake decorator. I will say though, that my pumpkin bread/cake with the cream cheese frosting was quite good.
Stephen seemed to like it - especially the icing.
Face-in-the-Snow Angels
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The boys were scheduled for a half day of school on Thursday. They would have had an hour or two of classes, a school mass and their Christmas parties. Mother Nature had other plans and brought enough snow and ice to result in school being cancelled. I still had to work and was taking the boys with me so we all had to get up. Jack sat up like a shot once he heard the word "snow". He then took over the duties of waking up little brother. He nagged and nagged until Wyatt got up. "Come look out the window Wyatt! I have a surprise!" Wyatt walked to the window. Jack opened the curtains and announced
"I present to you - SNOW!"
The boys were desperate to get out into the snow. I knew we had to get moving but I decided it was more important to be a mom than it was to be a little late for work. I bundled them up while John made pancakes. Wyatt took three steps out the back door and threw himself face down in the snow to make Face-in-the-Snow-Angels. I think it is lovely.
A boy and his cousin
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My nephew Stephen is staying with us right now. He loves his big cousins. The boys play ball with him and chse him around the house - something Stephen finds endlessly hysterical. He is in love with the piano and is loves to bang away at the keys - he sees Jack practicing and playing all the time and quite frankly, who wouldn't want to be like Jack?
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The school nurse contacte me to let me know Jack's last two in school eye exams did not go well and we should take him to an eye doctor. Sure enough he needed a pair of glasses. Look how happy this guy is now that he can see!
Why I love my children - in 3 photos
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This one is obsessed with mustaches.
This one put a "Kick Me" sign on his little brother. Little brother exacted his revenge by putting a "Love Me" sign on big brother.
Though he is learning, the little one is not far enough along that he can write a letter solo. Big brother offered to write Little Brother's letter to Santa - and before you even asked, he took dictation...with a few suggestions.
Matchy McMatchertons
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The boys' school had a skating party two weeks ago. These turkies decided they wanted to "wook-a-wike" so they found their Kinder shirts. What is interesting about these shirts is that they were designed by sisters who happen to be in Jack & Wy's classes.
Then they boys made sure they had matching jeans.
Then they found 2 pairs of socks, but split them up so they were each wearing 1 black and 1 Smurf sock.
And then silliness and hilarity ensued.
Kinder feast - it's a little late, I know
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Here are a few of the kinders at their Kinder Feast this year. Wyatt would not tell me in advance if he was going to be a Pilgrim or a Native American. He said, "You will have to find me." I wound up being 5 minutes late and they were already half way through their presentation. I run 12 shows a week and can't get one of them started on time. It was very exasperating to be late and wonderful and guilt inducing to see his face light up when he finally saw me there.
Wyatt and I like to do photo shoots.
The Kinder Beast is a native to Owenland Park.