He is a little particular about kisses. If you ask for a kiss during the day - he offers his forehead, just like Jack. Bedtime is a different story: at bedtime Wy gives real kisses.
Poor little Wy found an empty candy bar wrapper and brought it to me the other day. I told him it was empty and put it in the trash. Oh, that boy CRIED. He pulled the wrapper back out of the trash and handed it to me. Again I said, "Baby, it's all gone" and put it in the trash. He looked at me as if I were the meanest thing on earth and he cried real tears. Then he did his "I'm so sad you WILL feel sorry for me" bit and tucked his head and kept right on crying. He does this same sort of head tuck when he is in trouble. For instance: if Mama finds him touching her laptop she says in a loud deep voice "Wyatt Cole, NO!" He immediately steps away and ducks his head for a few seconds. He may or may not put his head in his hands to emphasize his shame. Then it is as if he never heard the warning and he heads right back for the computer.
Wy guy was taking a nap on Monday while Jack and I were putting away the boys' clothes. I don't remember why, but I pretended to cry. Jack walked over to me, looked me in the eye and said "Take a breaf, mommy. I'm sorry you upset but mumble mumble mumble..." I couldn't make out anything else. It was so hard not to smile or laugh. I cried some more and asked him if I could have a kiss. He said "No. I'm sorry you upset. Take a breaf." He turned around and walked off. Now, I'm pleased to know that I'm helping him learn how to handle being upset, but I want it on the record that I never say "take a breath" followed by walking away.
Wy plays with Jack's trains constantly. He loves to hook them together and hold them aloft to see how much weight they can hold. He drives them around. He carries them all over the house. And this is the nuttiest thing: remember how Jack used to line up his trains end to end, then side by side...Wy is doing the same thing. It is funny and creepy in a weird deja vu sort of way. He is NEVER without a train in one hand.
Jack has been running around the house the last few days in his Thomas the Tank Engine 'costume' getting ready for Halloween. "I'm wearing Thomas, Daddy. I'm wearing Thomas." He likes his costume, but he says Thomas and Percy are "skeered of Havoveen, but Thomas yikes canny." I am going to have John get the boys in their train get ups and bring them out to the theatre that night for like the last 20 minutes of rehearsal. It will do us all some good to see a couple of cuties!
Jack watches "noovies" and has taken to wearing a do rag this week."
OK friends, that is it for this week. Send me some good vibes that I can fit in a little update next week - rehearsals are going to be crazy! We love and send blessings to all of you!
a, j, j & wy!