We are working on ditching the pacifier. The plan is to not give it to him during the day. (He uses it constantly if it is there, but doesn't seem to notice if it is not there.) Once we are comfortably out of daytime usage, we will tackle nighttime. He WAILS at bedtime until he has the pacifier. One battle at a time, right?
He is is starting to talk a little bit. He is beginning to identify various trains: "Beh" for Bertie. "Ha" for Henry. "Ga" for Gordon. And yesterday he pointed to Poppy and said "PA!"
Jack insists he is two years old. "How old are you, Jack?" "Jax is 2!" "No, Jack is 3." "NO, Jax is 2." (We hold up dueling fingers: Jack holding up 2, me holding up 3.) The debate continues. Then he comes at me and touches his 2 fingers to my 3 fingers as if to correct me.
He has started calling Poppy "Pops".
I took the boys to the oil change place this week. As we were waiting, the boys were entertaining themselves on the FILTHY floor. By the time I realized the floor was filthy, the boys were already filthy, so it didn't really make any difference - it was just a matter of how long they played on the filthy floor. Anyway, Jack laid down to run his trains along the grout in the tiles as if it were train tracks. Wy then made one of his very first displays of affection for Jack by laying down on top of him. Jack proceeded to talk to me as if Wy weighed 400 pounds. Wy began to grin. Then Wy began to bounce on top of Jack who said "Wy-y-y-y i-i-i-is hur-r-r-r-ti-ng me-e-e-e-e!" Wy thought this was hysterical. Jack didn't really mind it until Wy got so excited he accidentally whacked Jack in the head with a metal train. It's all fun and games till somebody gets hurt, kids.Wy has discovered that it is fun to turn round and round in circles. He starts to stamp his feet and turn around on himself and grin. Jack will copy him. Then it is a game of copy cat accompanied by squeals and giggles of delight from both fellas.
Jack usually refers to John's truck as "Mine truck." He will argue with John about it. However, if I say to Jack "Let's get in my truck." He will look at me and say "No, mommy. Daddy's truck."
OK peeps. That is all for the week. God bless and keep you! Love, a, j, j & y
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