Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
What do you do when you are 1 adult with 5 kids on a beautiful sunny afternoon? Well, you take those kids for a walk around the block. What do you do when you realize, after you have closed the door of the house of course, that you have the wrong set of keys in your hand? And in the very next moment you realize you have also left your cell phone in the house? Well, you just count yourself lucky that you have a wagon and a tricycle and you head off for your walk anyway. Half way down the block you flag down the mailman, who lets you use his cell phone. You hope your mama gets your voice mail and that you don't have to spend the next 3 hours making up things to do...In an attempt to keep us all entertained we decided to see who could and could not cross their eyes. The next few days became an eye crossing fest. (Just so you know, we walked around the nieghborhood and headed back home. I thought I would just TRY to get into the house through a window. Fortunately and sadly, I was in the house with no damage done to myself or my abode in under 5 minutes... At least you get to see some funny pictures!





Jack & Devlyn


John & Wy


Look for another post in a day or so,
love, from Owenland Park!
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