Wy spends a lot of time with his tongue out. He likes to talk with his tongue stuck all the way out to his chin. "I lum baba" is "I love daddy" and so forth. He talks and talks like this, then lets out this contagious squeal of laughter and says "I funny!"

Devlyn and Wy had a great time one afternoon just hanging out in the laundry basket. Jack pulled them around and around the living and dining room - he refused to be in the picture.
On to a delicate issue: Jack started spending a lot of time with his hand in his crotch again this weekend. I then spent a lot of time reminding him not to do that. He was digging around so much that by early Monday evening I took him to the bathroom for a look. That poor guy had a large inflammation on the side of his penis. I finally got a hold of one of his nurses who told me to give him Benedryl and bring him in Tuesday morning. We followed instructions but when we woke up Tuesday morning, Jack's penis was
freakishly inflamed. I mean it was so inflamed that I flipped out. I was not waiting for our 9:30 appointment. I got us dressed and out the door. The Doctor told me Jack's problem is called Summer Penile Syndrome. "What is Summer Penile Syndrome?" you might ask. Quite simply people, it is a bug bite on the penis. The Dr. said they see it all the time. He told me to keep giving Jack Benedryl and the 'issue' would resolve itself within 48 hours. Over the next few days we gave Jack the Benedryl and kept checking on him. Devon saw Jack messing with his business and told Jack "Leave your junk alone, buddy." He told her "It is NOT my junk. It is my body." So I took the boys to lunch at Taco Bell one afternoon late this week. As we were eating I asked Jack very quietly if his penis was still bothering him. He said "No." Then I looked at Wyatt for some reason or other. When I looked back at Jack he was standing on the bench with his shirt up around his neck, his drawers down around his ankles: he was checking out his "body". I don't know if anyone was paying any attention to us or not, but I sure felt like all eyes were on us. I was mortified - Jack thought it was all very funny.

Tuesday didn't get any better - Mom & Connie were in a car wreck. Some fella hit them in the rear driver's side door. Fortunately Connie was on the passenger side. Mom says Connie had just asked if she could undo her seat belt because it was too tight. Mom told her no and 2 minutes later they were in the wreck. Everyone is fine, but Mom's door is crunched and we aren't sure about the car yet - it isn't safe to drive - we do know that. Then the girls decided to hold the World Wrestling Federation Cup Finals in bed. Abby wound up kicking Devlyn in the face. Devlyn bit her tongue hard enough to make it bleed. Then she FREAKED out because she was bleeding. I finally got the girls to chill out and went to sit with the boys. Jack was asking for something and I kept telling him no. He finally looked at me and said "If you say no one more time, you will lose your biscuit." (I frequently say something like "If you (fill in the blank) one more time, I will lose my biscuit.")
Wy runs around singing "Mary, Mary, wike a dream! Farmer had a dog E-I-E-I-O!" It took me about 2 weeks to figure out what he is trying to sing. The first part is Row, Row, Row your boat - merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. And of course Old MacDonald. Then he throws in a few seriously off key "Happy Birfday to you Gordon!(Poppy, or whoever he thinks of at the moment.)"

The boys are obsessed with my being on "acation" right now. Jack is desperate for me to go to work so he can play with the Thomas turntable. I staunchly refuse to go anywhere near Crown Center as I am not going anywhere near work. Instead we have been going to US Toy once or twice a week to play with their Thomas set up. Wy gets a bit possesive of the trains on the table and sometimes tells the other kids "Not you! Not you!" as he tries to wrestle a train away. We are working on sharing - but he is 2.

Jess heads to Omaha Monday evening so we had a going away party for her today. It was a fairly small affair for a Blessington/Abels gathering but we all had a great time. Look at the amazing cake Mel made for the party!

Jess spent the majority of the week with her friend Caroline. They have jetted back and forth between our houses, the movies, McDonald's and who knows where else. Of course the girls stayed up each night until they passed out from exhaustion. Here are the girls one early morning as the rest of us were getting ready for the day.
OK - I'm exhausted and am going to bed. Much love to you all and we'll touch base again after we get back from visiting John's Dad & Marilyn in Chicago next weekend!
Owenland Park.
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