Devon and I were headed home one day last week and I was talking to the kids about how beautiful the trees were. Someone made a comment about so many of the trees not having colors. I thought for a second and said off-handedly that "the trees look naked, don't they?" Well, the kids went WILD. Now everywhere we go they are squealing about naked trees here, naked trees there, naked tree on my side, naked tree on that side. They work themselves up into hysterical high pitched fits of giggles about these naked trees. When will I learn to keep my mouth shut?
Connie had a terrible stye in her eye this week. We wound up taking her to the Doctor's office for it Saturday morning and that leads me to my story of the week...
We had tech for Little House on Friday. After tech I stayed and did some prep work on one of our upcoming shows. When I was leaving I ran into the crowd that had just wrapped up their 3 show day for Maul of the Dead (which was fantastic, by the way!) I stopped in at the bar to chat with the actors and finally headed home at 1:15 or so. I had hoped to crawl into bed, but Jess was up and we talked for a while. I finally staggered to bed bleary eyed and bone weary around 2:00. The boys were all in my bed and I didn't want to wake anyone so I just crawled in bed with them. Wy proceeded to kick me for about half an hour so I finally transferred Wy & Jack to their own beds. Well, Wy woke up and had a fit about not being in my bed. I had to soothe him till he went back to sleep. I managed to lay down again around 2:45ish and right around 3:30 Jack fell out of bed - hard. I sat and rocked him for I don't know how long. He was terribly upset. I was so cross-eyed tired that I finally decided to lay down with Jack and Wy had a fit about my being in Jack's bed, so we invited him on over - the 3 of us squashed ourselves into Jack's twin bed and again attempted to sleep. It was probably 4:30 when Jack woke up crying that he wanted to be in my bed. So I sent him on in to sleep with his daddy.
He proceeded to cry for "Mommy" in my room until I couldn't take it any longer and drug myself into bed with John and Jack. I thought he would be ok once I cuddled him up, but he couldn't settle down. Every time I started to drift off he started fussing and crying again. Sometime around 5:30 he became inconsolable. John and I gave him some ibuprofen and John took him downstairs so I could try to get some sleep. The next thing I know, Mom knocked on my door (it was 6:30 now I think)and told me Jack had thrown up. Now I'm really worried because throwing up after a head injury is not good. And so we got dressed and headed out for Jack's Doctor's office. Since Connie's Doctor is right next door and she needed to see him too, I had Mom and Connie come along.
(Here's my side note - I call this pattern of repeated waking with minimal spurts of sleep between wakings "sleepus interruptus" and I think it is much much worse than no sleep at all.)
Jack was certainly not his active little self while we were at the Doctor's office and so I was worried. Dr. Sorapolus was concerned because of his having thrown up along with his listlessness. She told me if it was a weekday, she would just have us do a CT, but the lab was closed - sooo, we would get to spend the morning at Children's Mercy. Of course when we left the Dr's office Jack underwent a drastic change in disposition and was as chipper and playful as he could be. I decided we would still go to Children's Mercy as I wanted to be safe rather than sorry. You know how it goes at the hospital, see someone for 3 minutes and wait 45 minutes...Well, after examining Jack thoroughly, consulting with Dr. Sorapolus and with me, we dicided Jack was fine and didn't need a CT. Thank the Lord. We were home in time for me to fix lunch and I was never so grateful for a nap in my life.
OK peeps, I need more sleep. Love and blessings,
from me and my gang.
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