Mom likes to give Wy zerberts on his belly. She also likes to pretend to 'eat' his belly, which she calls "belly pie." Wy finds the belly pie business just as upsetting as being tickled. When Mom tells Wy that she wants belly pie, he says "Just a minute." Then he sticks his hand under his shirt, scratches his belly for about 20 seconds ands holds out his palm saying "Here is belly pie for you, Gammy."
A few weeks ago the boys spent the morning taking turns throwing up. Ever since then, Jack thinks he has to throw up. I am not sure if he thinks an upset tummy is truly that dire or if he thinks a burp will be followed by other things... Either way, he finds some moment nearly every day to say "Um, mommy? I fink I have to frow up." He then runs to the kitchen, pulls out the step stool, sets it up and spends five minutes spitting into the sink. Speaking of the sink, here are the boys washing the dishes for me.
Wyatt is constantly singing "Twinkle, twinkle, little Spiderman! How I wonder where you are!" That or "Jingle Bells".
Our big family Christmas party was this weekend. Unfortunately I didn't get to go, but I'm not going to go into it. After the party, John and the boys gave Aunt Johanna a ride back to her hotel. The boys were playing with some new trains when an argument broke out: both boys wanted all the train pieces - neither of the boys wanted to share. John finally put his hand into the back seat and told the boys to hand over all the trains. One by one trains were handed forward to John until one train piece was left. Wy was clutching the engine piece. He did not want to give it up. John said "If you aren't going to give it to me, then give it to Jack." Wy cried "No." John put his hand in the back seat again and said "Well then, give it to me." Poor Wy handed the engine over to Daddy rather than suffering the indignity of forking it over to his brother.
This evening John and Devon brought the three little ones to Crown Center to visit all the Christmas trains with me.
Once our fingers were frozen we decided to hop on over to Union Station to visit Rudy the Holiday Express - a full size train decked out in Christmas lights. Rudy came complete with a guided tour through his passenger cars ending in a visit with Santa. The cost of this grand adventure? Standing in line for an hour and a half. Thank the Lord, John had the presence of mind to say "NO." That brilliant man of mine led us outside where - children in tow - we snuck past Santa's elves, through the exit and into the end of the exhibit so we could get out pictures taken with this beautiful train. The kids LOVED it. They even got to see a train (with over 100 freight cars full of coal) blow past the station.
Last but certainly not least, Merry Christmas from Owenland Park! (Don't we look like we are in the closing shot of a movie with Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby? You know I would have photo shopped them into the picture if I knew how - alas, I'm too busy to even try to figure it out.)
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