Wy came down with pink eye the other weekend. I have no idea how he got it. I bless the Dr. who didn't want to drag us out to the office that Saturday morning in the ice - he just called in an RX. Getting Wy to endure the eye drops was a Herculean feat. We finally managed to get him to cooperate by popping chocolate in his mouth and hold him down long enough to get a drop in each eye.
What I found super puzzling was the fact that Wy had an uber crusty case of it but all the other kids were fine...That is until 3 days later when Devlyn came down with a puffy faced version that looked like we had been punching her only she hadn't bruised. Then the next morning Jack's eyes were crusted over...All 3 kids suffered5 days of eye drops in the morning and at bedtime. We went through a lot of chocolate.
Jack went to see Life on the Mississippi with me on Saturday. He ran a few sound cues in the booth. You should have seen his head whip around when he ran a boat whistle sound cue - this cue sounds EXACTLY like his train whistles. He begged and begged to do it again. I told him he had to wait till the show was over and he could run it as much as he wanted. We had our archival photo shoot after the show that day and I let Jack run that sound cue between each set up. The cast thought it was so funny how happy and bouncy Jack would get every time he ran the cue. It was very nice of them to put up with that. Later that evening, John and I took Jack to see Around the World in 80 Days at the Rep. I got pretty worried that we would have to leave as he started getting pretty squirrely near intermission and throughout Act II. Then as we were leaving, the couple in front of us commented on how well behaved he was! Jack said his favorite parts were the super loud boat's whistle and what he called 'the banging part' This was the big gun battle in act 2.
Please say a some prayers for my friend Shannon and her family. Shannon's dad had three heart attacks in 36 hours and is having a valve replaced and a triple bypass on Monday.
Jack is still doing 'homework' nearly every day. He has discovered the Instrument point. For days I had no idea what he was talking about, until he was reading something to me and he ended the sentence by saying "instrument point" He meant exclamation point.
I hope to be get back to more informative and regular updates. I have had a couple of rough weeks and my spirits have been low. Lucky for me I have the best guy in town and he has some great shoulders for my tired head.
Love and blessings,
Owenland Park.
I always enjoy another episode of Owenland Park Productions. It never fails to put a smile on my face. Keep up the good work!
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