Abby came home one day last week and cut a good sized chunk of hair off of the top of her head. It looks like she has a faux-hawk at 2:00.
I took Connie & Wyatt to the grocery store last week. When we got home I found Jess sitting on the floor. Mom was putting pressure on Jess' arm and holding it up over her head. It turns out Jess had decided to shave her arms - like ya do...
In the process of shaving her arms - she sliced open a tiny mole or a skin tag (I'm not sure which). It took forever for this little thing to stop bleeding - and the trash can looked like we had just cleaned up after the Chain-saw Massacre. Anyway, the crazy thing is that the next morning you couldn't even see the minuscule spot she had cut open.
Wyatt says "My FRAVorite". He tells me what his "Fravorite" things are. He asks me what my "Fravorite" things are. Try saying "Fravorite", it is not easy to say. Normally when the kids butcher a word it comes out as something easier to say than the original word. Not so this time, friends.
I have been trying (not successfully every day) to start practicing some yoga. Jack saw me one morning and began begging to "play yoga". Mom found a Yoga for Kids DVD on amazon and ordered a copy. The boys and I had a morning together recently and we practiced kid yoga. It is full of animal 'poses' that kids can practice. Now the boys pretend to be snakes, bunnies, butterflies and volcanoes every chance they get. I have introduced Volcano pose at the dinner table to get the kids to settle down and be quiet.
Speaking of animals, the kids saw a snake while we were out for a walk a few weeks ago. Now Jack is terrified of walking through the back yard. He is ok to swing on the swing set but he wants John to carry him through the yard to the swing-set or back to the porch. He holds on to John's shirt as they cross through the yard to get to John's truck in the back driveway. It was about to drive John nuts. Then John brought out the fishing poles and I believe the snakes have been forgotten. Poor John is going to be driven nuts over the fishing though. The boys ask nearly every 10 minutes if John will take them fishing outside.
Jack got some fillings this week. John says the dentist was fantastic and had Jack in and out in about 15 minutes. The dentist saw Jack holding onto his trains so he told Jack he was putting "Thomas Star" fillings in his teeth. Jack is super proud of his Thomas teeth and flashes his grin every chance he gets. He just told me he wished he had "necklaces" on his teeth. It took me a few minutes to figure out he meat braces. Lord help me...
Sunday is a big day for us. We are celebrating 3 birthdays (Jess, Wy and myself), Devon's Confirmation and John's 1 month marker of being a non smoker!!! And, I begin a much needed week of vacation - sadly the images of days spent at a relaxing spa just don't seem to be materializing before my eyes...
Devlyn refuses to acknowledge the existence of the number 15. It is as if 15 is "The Number That Must Not Be Named". She will skip past it and I will call her attention to it. She will ignore me and keep counting. I will call her attention back to 15 and she will make a non-committal vocal sound. We will keep working. We have had a major breakthrough - she remembers how to spell her name and only occasionally does she need help remembering a letter! We are working on letter recognition. She is not very interested. I have resorted to the promise of an outing for ice cream with her mama and myself if she can get those numbers memorized.
Gotta wrap it up - or you all may kill me before I finish this novel.
Love and Huggies.
Owenland Park