My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Where I find joy and other things

Me: OK, boys, it's time to go to bed.
Jack: But Mommy, I didn't have my vitamin.
Me: Yes, you did.
Jack: OK, but I didn't play wiff vis Thomas station.
Me: Well, you will have to play with it tomorrow.
Jack: OK, but can we watch a movie first?

John: OK, boys, I'm going to go change my pants and then we can go.
Wyatt: (Full of concern) Did you poop your pants, Daddy?
John: No.
Wyatt: Did you pee?
John: No.
Wyatt: (Very confused) Oh...

John: So, Wyatt, Do you want Daddy to cut your cheese sandwich into squares or triangles?
Wyatt: No, I don't want my sandwich cut into squares or triangles or any other silly idea.

Gammy: Jack, what kind of oatmeal do you want for breakfast; plain, cinnamon roll, apple cinnamon or banana bread?
Jack: I want plain, because I LOVE PLANES!!!

Jack: Can I have oatmeal for a bedtime snack?
Me: What kid asks for an oatmeal snack?
Jack: Um...I did?

Wyatt: Mommy, I have three words for you.
Me: What?
Wyatt: Fan! Tast! Tic!

Wy has taken to calling Jack "Jackie".
"Jackie? Will you play wif me?" "Jackie? Can I have a bite?" "Jackie! You are silly!"

We were sitting in church on Sunday and Wyatt leaned back in my arms and really looked at me for a moment. Then he said "Mommy, I fink you are beautiful." I have no idea what the readings were about because I was busy crying.

Wyatt has decided that if an adult can punish him or a kid can thwart him, then it is only fair that he should be able to retaliate in kind. For example:
Mommy: Wyatt! That is 3! Take 5!
Wyatt: Fine, but you can't go to a fee-atre wiff me! (You can't go to a theatre with me.) He also gives you the stink eye when he declares this punishment. If Wyatt threatens you with not being able to go to the theatre with him, you know you have made your way to the bottom of his list.

Jack was doing homework in a Highlights magazine - he was working on one of the puzzles where you identify 2 identical pictures out of 6 possible options. I told him it was sometimes easier to cross off the ones you knew were wrong. He starts crossing off pictures. I made him stop and tell me what was wrong about each picture. In an exasperated tone he let me know his reasoning for crossing off each picture. Then he suddenly said "This one is right!" and put a circle around it. I asked how he knew that truck was one of the two matching images. He looked at me and said "Mommy, you just go to the menu in the back." and he flipped to the ANSWER SECTION of the magazine. Sure enough, he had circled one of the matching trucks. I think he had looked at that puzzle before...

We had Abby's hair cut WAY short this week. Over the last month or so she has been secretly hacking chunks out of her hair.


Boy in box

Boy on bike


Wyatt: Mommy, I have three words for you.
Me: What?
Wyatt: Fan! Tath! Tic!

Wy has taken to calling Jack "Jackie".
"Jackie? Will you play wif me?" "Jackie? Can I have a bite?" "Jackie! You are silly!"

Wyatt has decided that if an adult can punish him or a kid can thwart him, then it is only fair if he can retaliate in kind. For example:
Mommy: Wyatt! That is 3! Take 5!
Wyatt: Fine, but you can't go to a fee-atre wiff me! (You can't go to a theatre with me.) He also gives you the stink eye when he declares this punishment. If Wyatt threatens you with not being able to go to the theatre with him, you know you have made your way to the bottom of his list.

Jack was doing homework in a Highlights magazine - he was working on one of the puzzles where you identify 2 identical pictures out of 6 possible options. I told him it was sometimes easier to cross off the ones you knew were wrong. He starts crossing off pictures. I made him stop and tell me what was wrong about each picture. In an exasperated tone he let me know his reasoning for crossing off each picture. Then he suddenly said "This one is right!" and put a circle around it. I asked how he knew that truck was one of the two matching images. He looked at me and said "Mommy, you just go to the menu in the back." and he flipped to the ANSWER SECTION of the magazine. Sure enough, he had circled one of the matching trucks. I think he had looked at that puzzle before...

Everybody Doesn't Like Me!

Wy was sent to his room this evening. I told him he could sit on his bed, Jack and I would be up at bedtime (about 30 minutes). I went downstairs to work on the blog and heard Wy begin SOBBING "NOOObody likes me! Everybody hates me!" I nearly shouted that he could eat worms, but I swallowed it. The he hollers "EVERYBODY DOESN'T LIKE ME!"

CSI Owenland Park

The scene of the crime... (John's truck was shuddering and cutting out so he did some work to it then decided to take it to a shop. $230 later, the problem still isn't fixed.)

The perp's profile... (These are some of John's sticky notes regarding the disassembly of the engine that he is conducting in our garage. Notes are conveniently located on the windshield.)

The evidence... (Nearly the entire engine is laid out piece by piece in the bed of John's truck. Each piece is meticulously labeled and placed just so. Every time I walk by the whole operation I shudder as if walking past a corpse. I have full faith that my man can and will solve the crime and put everything to rights, but that doesn't mean I'm at ease with all the goings on in our garage.)

This might be the perp's hideout... (Looks like a 'meth for motors' lab to me. I nearly fell over when I came home to find so many engine parts lovingly sorted into frankenstiened coke cans... But if that is what it takes to keep my man organized.)

I'll let you know when we collar the perp and Mavis (John's truck) is back on the road. Meanwhile, send him good Crime Scene/Gear Head vibes.

Love and blessings,
Owenland Park

A New Blog o' Mine

I thought it might be time I finally starting taking pictures of the rosaries I make. I don't make them that often, so there won't be weekly posts, but if you want to see some of the creations I have done for folks who live with me - look to Linky Dinks on my sidebar to the left and click on Rosaries from the Heart.

If I have made a rosary for you I would love for you to take a picture of it and e-mail it to me. I will upload it the the collection!

I thought I should be the first one to tell you...

Devon thought Wyatt and Devlyn were asleep for their nap yesterday afternoon. Suddenly, she saw the two of them scamper across the hall towards the bathroom. She says Wy stopped at the top of the steps and said "Devon! We had a party!" Devlyn grabbed him by the wrist and delivered a perfect stage whisper "Don't tell her that!" and pulled Wy into the bathroom where they started to wash up. Devon knew they were up to no good so she high tailed it upstairs to discover multiple major incidents of graffiti. Dad got home shortly after Devon discovered the crime(s). He turned around and went back out for magic erasers so they could clean it up "before Amy got home." No dice people - Ian Flemming may say that Diamonds are Forever, but I'm here to tell you that he didn't know what he was talking about. SHARPIES are Forever. After John got home and took in the devastation, he called me and said "I thought I should be the first one to tell you..." I got all hot in the face. I knew someone had been in a wreck. Someone was in the hospital. John had broken some part of the engine on his truck and he couldn't fix it and now we had to buy him a new truck... Whatever it was, it was going to be bad if John had to tell me first. Then he said something to the effect of "Wyatt & Devlyn found a handful of sharpies and attacked a door, a floor, 2 closets, 2 walls, 2 dressers, 3 beds..." who knew my body would or could be filled with relief at the thought of a 4 and 3 year old running wild through my house with sharpies? And that is exactly what happened.

The girls bedroom wall...

Wyatt's bed...

The boys' closet...

The girls' wall...

The girls' closet...

A surprise evidently left over from a previous wall writing incident...

Who's sorry now?

I know I shouldn't go there, but this child looks like she has sharpie stigmata on her feet...

Kid Yoga

Mom picked up a DVD of yoga for kids. All the poses are based on nature and animals. Here are the kids practicing Lion Pose, Tree Pose and Upside-down puppy...