Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
The scene of the crime... (John's truck was shuddering and cutting out so he did some work to it then decided to take it to a shop. $230 later, the problem still isn't fixed.)
The perp's profile... (These are some of John's sticky notes regarding the disassembly of the engine that he is conducting in our garage. Notes are conveniently located on the windshield.)
The evidence... (Nearly the entire engine is laid out piece by piece in the bed of John's truck. Each piece is meticulously labeled and placed just so. Every time I walk by the whole operation I shudder as if walking past a corpse. I have full faith that my man can and will solve the crime and put everything to rights, but that doesn't mean I'm at ease with all the goings on in our garage.)
This might be the perp's hideout... (Looks like a 'meth for motors' lab to me. I nearly fell over when I came home to find so many engine parts lovingly sorted into frankenstiened coke cans... But if that is what it takes to keep my man organized.)
I'll let you know when we collar the perp and Mavis (John's truck) is back on the road. Meanwhile, send him good Crime Scene/Gear Head vibes.
Love and blessings,
Owenland Park
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