My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

I really got nothin'

This chair is in the corner. One of Wy's favorite past-times is to crawl all over the chair like a crazy person that is until he fell behind it last week. Jack came upstairs to let me know "UM, Wy needs you to help him." Wy was trapped there whimpering and sniffling. Horrible, mean Mommy that I am I made him wait for me to get his picture before I hauled him out.

Mom got the boys a Thomas Viewfinder. Wyatt tells us what he sees in every frame. He walks around the house viewing and clicking and walking into things.

Go figure that we have Thomas Leggos... Jack has been obsessed with creating new and improved engines of every shape and size. He says "I want more! I want more! I want more!!!"

The boys have a little Thomas sleeping bag that they have taken to using at bedtime. We can't let them share it as you see here because no one gets any sleep with all the shenanigans going on.

I have been out of the office the last two weeks. I was actually supposed to put in some office hours the first week, but Jack spent the entire week fighting off a fever so I ended up staying home with him. He tested positive for the flu and by the weekend was throwing up. By this time I was feverish and sick to my stomach. John had to work and the rents were heading up to St. Joe so I made them take Wy. Jack and I spent the day on separate sofas in our respective fevered hazes. I then spent this last week (my vacation week) with a sinus infection. I told my bosses that I want a 'do over' vacation. Now that I'm finally feeling better, its right back into rehearsals. "Not fair!" I cry!