Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
Puppy Scouts
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on Wednesday, October 26, 2011
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So little Wy has been to a Cub Scout Family Campout, a Cub Scout Haunted Trails and a couple Den Meetings. He has decided that he is a "Puppy Scout - because I'm not full grown yet"
Silly Mommy
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John's Dresser Garden
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Wyatt has become very contemplative when answering questions, he says "Hmm, let me see" or "Let me think about it..."
"Wyatt, how was your day?"
"Hmmm, let me see...."
He has also recently started running around saying "A goo and a bee!" I wish I knew what that meant, but I have no idea and Wyatt isn't telling. I ask him and he just smiles and says it again - waving his arm like a king.
Fall Fun
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on Sunday, October 23, 2011
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When you don't want to eat it
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on Friday, October 7, 2011
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Take My Picture!
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When Jack registered for Kindergarden, I took his picture by the big brick sign thing in the front of the building. When he went in for his first day of school this year I thought I would try to be clever and take his picture there every year to measure his growth. (We'll see if I can remember to do that or not.) Now every time we walk past the sign, Wyatt wants me to take HIS picture in front of it. Unfortunately every time we are there, the sun is too bright for him.

I like #2. "When I say 'Dance! You better dance!"

I like #2. "When I say 'Dance! You better dance!"
Ice Cream at the Park
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Wyatt's day care had a field trip to the park recently. Jack and I met the group at the playground and just as we were heading out, the ice cream van guy showed up. The boys were so excited that I couldn't say no. They both picked Batman ice cream.

I wouldn't let them get in the car until I wiped them down with a slew of wipes from the car. Thank God I had wipes. (Wyatt was already a filthy mess from the over damp sandbox. The backside of his pants looked like he had messed himself then there was blue sticky ice cream residue everywhere - GROSS!!!!!

I wouldn't let them get in the car until I wiped them down with a slew of wipes from the car. Thank God I had wipes. (Wyatt was already a filthy mess from the over damp sandbox. The backside of his pants looked like he had messed himself then there was blue sticky ice cream residue everywhere - GROSS!!!!!

Peanut Butter Face
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Tornado music
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on Tuesday, October 4, 2011
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Jack and Wyatt asked me if I wanted to listen to Tonado music. I said "Why not?"
What I love is how seriously Jack is taking the music. Wyatt is fully into it. And then he is done. I love how he just leaves at the end.
What I love is how seriously Jack is taking the music. Wyatt is fully into it. And then he is done. I love how he just leaves at the end.
The hole in my ceiling
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I was cooking or cleaning or cleaning something in the kitchen one night last week and I heard the sound of running water. Interestingly enough, it wasn't coming from the kitchen. I start looking around and I hear it coming from the dining room. Looking and looking it took me a minute to spot the water GUSHING down the dining room wall. I FLEW upstairs yelling the whole way to turn off the water. The culprit turns out to be the copper pipe that had completely corroded.

So Dad & John cut big holes in the dining room ceiling this weekend and replaced sections of pipe. I was a little concerned about another greenish area on one of the pipes and said as much to John. He said "This part right here?" and tapped it with his pocket knife. The tip of the knife went right through the pipe so they replaced that section too. Thank goodness I was around or they would have put the ceiling back up and THAT section would have corroded through too! My work here is done.
Anyway, here is the ceiling:

Dad says the next step is to pull down the wood beam to see how much mold or whatever is up there. I see no quick end to the hole in my ceiling. At least I don't have to fix it myself or hire someone to do it.
So Dad & John cut big holes in the dining room ceiling this weekend and replaced sections of pipe. I was a little concerned about another greenish area on one of the pipes and said as much to John. He said "This part right here?" and tapped it with his pocket knife. The tip of the knife went right through the pipe so they replaced that section too. Thank goodness I was around or they would have put the ceiling back up and THAT section would have corroded through too! My work here is done.
Anyway, here is the ceiling:
Dad says the next step is to pull down the wood beam to see how much mold or whatever is up there. I see no quick end to the hole in my ceiling. At least I don't have to fix it myself or hire someone to do it.
We have a bobcat. Rarr!
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Piano, soccer and scouts oh my! If you want to get together with Jack, you just about have to make an appointment.

Jack is now a Boy Scout. Or rather, he is a Tiger Scout - or a Bobcat. I don't understand it though John has explained it 14 times. It boils down to he is now in scouts AND believe it or not, John has volunteered to be the den leader for Jack's class. I nearly fell over. I made them pose in the front yard wearing all their gear.

I have been trying to figure out how to put a link here so you can purchase Boy Scout popcorn from Jack but it looks like I have to send an e-mail from the popcorn website. Don't worry - I will be hitting you up soon!
So when do we get to the funy part? Glad you asked: John and Jack came home from their first Den meeting and we asked Jack how it all went. He said "Oh, it was just our first boring meeting."
The Scouts had a camp out last weekend. Unfortunately I was not able to go but John took both boys. I don't know who all he sent this to, but here is a little shakedown of their overnight campout...
The Camp-out was great, the boys were super excited, there was a Camp Fire, an hour long show of skits and songs, dances and a story from the District Leader. He goes by "Crazy Dave", and looks like he has been in the Scouts since 1922. But he told a great story of a young Indian Brave who went out alone into the Wilderness to learn about Nature. Then we all said goodnight and while walking back across the field, Jack and Wyatt got to see every single star, they had NEVER seen that before. We zippered our sleeping bags to make one big pouch, so the three of us settled in, Jack was asleep in maybe ten minutes. He explored the sleeping pouch from the top corner by his head, all the way to the corner by Wyatt's head, and then went back again, (with long pauses at the gap between the zipper start/ends), and then promptly fell asleep with in a minute. Wyatt was Mr. Flippy McFlipperton for maybe 45 minutes. About 3 times, Wyatt had tried to sit up, or maybe flop an arm up, I'm not sure, and then relaxed and fell asleep, but teh sleeping bag got pushed up and chilly air whooshed into the pouch, and I got all cold again, and tried to scoot both boys against me, but they would roll back away into their nice warm side pockets of the sleeping bag, which would make tunnels along both sides of me - which drew in more cold air again. sigh... Anyways, so I curled up next to Wyatt and then dragged Jacks side of the sleeping pouch over to us to close up the gaps - !
About 6:00 in the morning, Wyatt woke me up, straight armed push-up on my chest, BEAMING with joy that we had finally Camped! The boys have been after me to camp since January 1. Then we got our shoes on and went to the other side of the little levee and peed in the grass. That was fun I guess, Wyatt has great joy in that!
We got back to the tent and woke up Jack, piddled around for a few minutes, and then we watched the sunrise, they hadn't done that either. Later, we had breakfast and then had to pack it all up and go meet Amy at the Soccer Field for a game.
It is late and I need to go to bed,
Love you all,
John II
Jack is now a Boy Scout. Or rather, he is a Tiger Scout - or a Bobcat. I don't understand it though John has explained it 14 times. It boils down to he is now in scouts AND believe it or not, John has volunteered to be the den leader for Jack's class. I nearly fell over. I made them pose in the front yard wearing all their gear.
I have been trying to figure out how to put a link here so you can purchase Boy Scout popcorn from Jack but it looks like I have to send an e-mail from the popcorn website. Don't worry - I will be hitting you up soon!
So when do we get to the funy part? Glad you asked: John and Jack came home from their first Den meeting and we asked Jack how it all went. He said "Oh, it was just our first boring meeting."
The Scouts had a camp out last weekend. Unfortunately I was not able to go but John took both boys. I don't know who all he sent this to, but here is a little shakedown of their overnight campout...
The Camp-out was great, the boys were super excited, there was a Camp Fire, an hour long show of skits and songs, dances and a story from the District Leader. He goes by "Crazy Dave", and looks like he has been in the Scouts since 1922. But he told a great story of a young Indian Brave who went out alone into the Wilderness to learn about Nature. Then we all said goodnight and while walking back across the field, Jack and Wyatt got to see every single star, they had NEVER seen that before. We zippered our sleeping bags to make one big pouch, so the three of us settled in, Jack was asleep in maybe ten minutes. He explored the sleeping pouch from the top corner by his head, all the way to the corner by Wyatt's head, and then went back again, (with long pauses at the gap between the zipper start/ends), and then promptly fell asleep with in a minute. Wyatt was Mr. Flippy McFlipperton for maybe 45 minutes. About 3 times, Wyatt had tried to sit up, or maybe flop an arm up, I'm not sure, and then relaxed and fell asleep, but teh sleeping bag got pushed up and chilly air whooshed into the pouch, and I got all cold again, and tried to scoot both boys against me, but they would roll back away into their nice warm side pockets of the sleeping bag, which would make tunnels along both sides of me - which drew in more cold air again. sigh... Anyways, so I curled up next to Wyatt and then dragged Jacks side of the sleeping pouch over to us to close up the gaps - !
About 6:00 in the morning, Wyatt woke me up, straight armed push-up on my chest, BEAMING with joy that we had finally Camped! The boys have been after me to camp since January 1. Then we got our shoes on and went to the other side of the little levee and peed in the grass. That was fun I guess, Wyatt has great joy in that!
We got back to the tent and woke up Jack, piddled around for a few minutes, and then we watched the sunrise, they hadn't done that either. Later, we had breakfast and then had to pack it all up and go meet Amy at the Soccer Field for a game.
It is late and I need to go to bed,
Love you all,
John II
Tards and butterflies
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We were eating dinner and Devlyn says "When we are early to school my teacher givesus a ticket and calls us 'Early Birds' but when we are late she calls us 'Tards'. I said "I don't think she calls you 'Tards.'" Devlyn looked at me and yelled "Yes she does!"
Our next door neighbor brought us a jar of caterpillars. He said they were going to make their cocoons any day and next August they would emerge as butterflies. He thought the kids would get a kick out of watching the process. He had great timing because 2 days later all 4 caterpillars made their cocoons. He was only partially right about when they would hatch. The boys and I got home one day last week and they started screaming with excitement. I went into the living room to find the butterfly jar on the floor with a butterfly flopping around inside. (I think the cats tried to get the poor little guy and batted the jar around the dining room floor until they gave up...)We were just heading outside to set the little guy free when Jessica came home. She held the butterfly on her hand for a few minutes but made me take it off her because it's feet felt super creepy!

Two days after that ANOTHER one of the butterflies hatched. This one was orange and released before I made it home.
Our next door neighbor brought us a jar of caterpillars. He said they were going to make their cocoons any day and next August they would emerge as butterflies. He thought the kids would get a kick out of watching the process. He had great timing because 2 days later all 4 caterpillars made their cocoons. He was only partially right about when they would hatch. The boys and I got home one day last week and they started screaming with excitement. I went into the living room to find the butterfly jar on the floor with a butterfly flopping around inside. (I think the cats tried to get the poor little guy and batted the jar around the dining room floor until they gave up...)We were just heading outside to set the little guy free when Jessica came home. She held the butterfly on her hand for a few minutes but made me take it off her because it's feet felt super creepy!
Two days after that ANOTHER one of the butterflies hatched. This one was orange and released before I made it home.
Merle Hagger
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Jack & Wyatt were singing something in the backseat and I asked them what in the world they were singing. Jack pipes up with "It's Merle Hagger, Mom" He could just as easily have said "Are you stupid or what?" I wanted to turn around and say to him "Yeah? Well, it's Merle HaggarD - so there!" I didn't. I just let him think I was dumb.