Jack is now a Boy Scout. Or rather, he is a Tiger Scout - or a Bobcat. I don't understand it though John has explained it 14 times. It boils down to he is now in scouts AND believe it or not, John has volunteered to be the den leader for Jack's class. I nearly fell over. I made them pose in the front yard wearing all their gear.
I have been trying to figure out how to put a link here so you can purchase Boy Scout popcorn from Jack but it looks like I have to send an e-mail from the popcorn website. Don't worry - I will be hitting you up soon!
So when do we get to the funy part? Glad you asked: John and Jack came home from their first Den meeting and we asked Jack how it all went. He said "Oh, it was just our first boring meeting."
The Scouts had a camp out last weekend. Unfortunately I was not able to go but John took both boys. I don't know who all he sent this to, but here is a little shakedown of their overnight campout...
The Camp-out was great, the boys were super excited, there was a Camp Fire, an hour long show of skits and songs, dances and a story from the District Leader. He goes by "Crazy Dave", and looks like he has been in the Scouts since 1922. But he told a great story of a young Indian Brave who went out alone into the Wilderness to learn about Nature. Then we all said goodnight and while walking back across the field, Jack and Wyatt got to see every single star, they had NEVER seen that before. We zippered our sleeping bags to make one big pouch, so the three of us settled in, Jack was asleep in maybe ten minutes. He explored the sleeping pouch from the top corner by his head, all the way to the corner by Wyatt's head, and then went back again, (with long pauses at the gap between the zipper start/ends), and then promptly fell asleep with in a minute. Wyatt was Mr. Flippy McFlipperton for maybe 45 minutes. About 3 times, Wyatt had tried to sit up, or maybe flop an arm up, I'm not sure, and then relaxed and fell asleep, but teh sleeping bag got pushed up and chilly air whooshed into the pouch, and I got all cold again, and tried to scoot both boys against me, but they would roll back away into their nice warm side pockets of the sleeping bag, which would make tunnels along both sides of me - which drew in more cold air again. sigh... Anyways, so I curled up next to Wyatt and then dragged Jacks side of the sleeping pouch over to us to close up the gaps - !
About 6:00 in the morning, Wyatt woke me up, straight armed push-up on my chest, BEAMING with joy that we had finally Camped! The boys have been after me to camp since January 1. Then we got our shoes on and went to the other side of the little levee and peed in the grass. That was fun I guess, Wyatt has great joy in that!
We got back to the tent and woke up Jack, piddled around for a few minutes, and then we watched the sunrise, they hadn't done that either. Later, we had breakfast and then had to pack it all up and go meet Amy at the Soccer Field for a game.
It is late and I need to go to bed,
Love you all,
John II
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