Wyatt drew his family. He loves his family and he doesn't want any of us to move to Japan.
Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
The All American Royals.
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Wyatt was very excited for his first field trip to the All American Royals until we -finally- made him understand that he was NOT going to a baseball game: he was going to the rodeo, The American Royal. Wyatt didn't want to go to the rodeo. He wanted baseball. No dice, buddy.
The day got better for him when he realized that I would be driving and our car would be chock-a-block full of kinders. Yes, that is five 5 year olds you count in my car. And yes, I am a Saint.
Next up - a class picture before we head inside. Notice that all the commotion is around Wyatt, who is front and center? He has his own sound track - at least he invites others to dance along with him.
This is the Master of Ceremonies. I can't remember his name so I will call him Cowboy Bob. Cowboy Bob wowed the kids with his lasso tricks, and all the fancy cowboy lingo he taught them. SURE 'NUFF, PARDNER!
Wyatt made a friend.
Camel time.
One more class picture. The kids were all so wound up by this point that their teacher asked them to make silly faces for their picture. Good idea!
This one thinks he is ready for mutton bustin.
He was showin me his "tricks".
As Cowboy Bob would say, Happy trails, y'all!
Zerberts, tears and Smiles
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I ran an impromptu family photo shoot in the living room last week.
After a few shots, Wyatt became upset because he thought he wasn't in our pictures.
I showed him that he was indeed in our family pictures and that we could take more.
BUT, we had to make zerberts.
This is one of my favorite things I have ever done with all my boys.
I hope they will remember it and remember that I tried to do things like this -
make silly, fun, family moments that made us all feel how we love each other.
These are the days of Wyatt's life...
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Wyatt and I were cuddled up in my bed one night this week. I was trying to read a book to him and he was trying to pretent I was a jungle gym. He finally laid down on my back and was still long enough to say "Mommy, the best spot is one you share with a friend."
He is right.
Wyatt participated in a soccer clinic at one of our local high schools.
Here he is getting ready to 'head' the ball. The little boy wearing the blue fin head band is the youngest fella on Wyatt's team. He doesn't go anywhere without his fin. Initially I was worried about being able to keep an eye on Wyatt, but then I realized all I had to do was look for the fin.
Wyatt has decided he needs to write a cook book. Here he is in his "office" working on "my recipes". He told me that I can cook his recipes for twenty-twelve days.

We were at mass on Sunday and Wyatt was playing with my bracelets. He slipped one off my wrist and it dropped to the floor. I asked him to pick it up so he got down on all fours to look under our pew for it. It had rolled to the pew in front of us so I hopped him over the seat and asked him to pick it up. He refused to budge. He pressed up against me and whispered "Are you -sure- about this?" Yes, I was sure but Wyatt wasn't going to move. I finally asked the young man in front of us if he would find/hand me the bracelet.
Family Flag
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Jack had to create a Family Flag as part of last week's homework. I was excited to help out thinking we could cut things out of magazines and glue stuff together, but it turns out Jack did this one by himself on the computer.
My flag has the Cub Scouts Wolf badge because I love scouting. I play the plaino. I wish my piano was red. I love to go out in the canoe with my Papa. He lives in Chicago.
For those of you not familiar with what or who in the world the person with the large yellow head is...that is Mario. Obviously Mario is a major part of our family.
The First of Many A Book Report
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on Friday, September 21, 2012
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Jack did his first book report on The Polar Express. My favorite part is that we got it finished days ahead of the due date!!!
The week in pictures.
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on Sunday, September 16, 2012
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Last week John skipped Jack's Scout meeting so the two of us could have a date night. It turns out we picked the wrong night to skip Scouts: little man came home with all these 'awards'. These entitle him to belt loops if he and John so choose to pick them up. (Belt loops are badges that can be worn on the Scout's belt.) Way to go, Jack!
Wyatt has Show and Tell every Friday. He was determined that he would take in some of the ticket stubs from a baseball game he saw in Chicago this summer with his Grandpa. It was a pretty tense 10 minutes Friday morning trying to find the tickets that had magically disappeared.
Wyatt had his first soccer game of the season this weekend.
He managed to drive the ball down field once. I am not sure how he found the time to do that as he was busy chatting up his teammates. One time I looked over and found him lying in the grass looking like he was posing for Playgirl. I had to yell at him to get up as both teams were headed right for him and would have run over him in their CLEATS!
I am not sure, but I do think Wyatt's team (The Blue Lizards?) won the game. Here they are running through the post game parent tunnel. Go Blue Lizards!
To Mohawk or not to Mohawk? That is the question.
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on Tuesday, September 11, 2012
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Little man got to keep this for about all of 5 minutes. I did promise though that I would see if JP2 allows mohawk hair cuts. Let us know if you think Jack should get to keep a mohawk at his next hair cut!
Lego my Lego, Magneto!
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I have no idea where it came from but the boys have a Lego magazine. It has all kinds of Legos that they are now begging me to buy for them. (Think Christmas if the boys are on your Christmas list.) So this magazine has Lego comic book stories and then there is a Wolverine/Magneto page where you get to fill in the bubbles and make your own comic story. I have been off at the theatre for the last three weeks and haven't had much time with my fellas so I sat down Sunday morning with Wyatt and we read all through this magazine and he had me fill in the the comic word bubbles for him 'cuz he "can only spell Wyatt and Zoo, Mommy."
I present to you, Wolverine Beats Down Magneto. by Wyatt Owen.
Park it, Mister!
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Play time at the park after Jack's soccer game Saturday morning.
The boys decided to climb all over the twisty slide.
Of course I had to help them both get on top of the first part, then it was "I can do it MYSELF!"
Sk8 Party!
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on Saturday, September 8, 2012
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Jack was invited to a skating party a few weeks ago and he LOVED it. As soon as he heard there was a back to school skate party he started begging to go. Unfortunately I was not able to participate in the fun as I was stuck in a dark theater. I gave John his marching orders which included getting the boys to the party and getting some pictures for us. John SAYS this is a picture of Jack as he FLEW past John & Wyatt.
And since when did they have THESE things? This is like a walker for beginning skaters. John tells me that Wyatt was desperate to skate but refused to try it without his Daddy. John told me that Wyatt cried and cried and would not budge until John went out to skate with him. Poor John wound up spraining his wrist - looks like Daddy was the one who needed the walker!
An artist among us
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Owenland Park Gallery is proud to present their most recent addition "Flowers in the Morning" by their newly appointed resident artist, Wyatt Owen. Note the triangular clouds and how they challenge our preconceived notion of the shape(s) of things. Note the small yellow sun in the upper right, how it floats beneath the red clouds. Note the bold signature of the artist, how it almost overwhelms the flowers in the morning.
What viewers might find most interesting about this project is the 'double sided' aspect the artist has included. On the reverse side of "Flowers in the Morning" you will find "Flowers at Night". The viewer cannot help but notice the flowers' stunning growth. I believe the Mr. Owen is trying to say that flowers grow and bloom when the sun isn't looking.
Owenland Park Gallery is looking forward to presenting more works by this young, energized artist in the years to come. Gallery representatives would not commit to speaking about specific details but hinted at commissioning a series of family and self portraits by Mr. Owen.