Wyatt and I were cuddled up in my bed one night this week. I was trying to read a book to him and he was trying to pretent I was a jungle gym. He finally laid down on my back and was still long enough to say "Mommy, the best spot is one you share with a friend."
He is right.
Wyatt participated in a soccer clinic at one of our local high schools.
Here he is getting ready to 'head' the ball. The little boy wearing the blue fin head band is the youngest fella on Wyatt's team. He doesn't go anywhere without his fin. Initially I was worried about being able to keep an eye on Wyatt, but then I realized all I had to do was look for the fin.
Wyatt has decided he needs to write a cook book. Here he is in his "office" working on "my recipes". He told me that I can cook his recipes for twenty-twelve days.

We were at mass on Sunday and Wyatt was playing with my bracelets. He slipped one off my wrist and it dropped to the floor. I asked him to pick it up so he got down on all fours to look under our pew for it. It had rolled to the pew in front of us so I hopped him over the seat and asked him to pick it up. He refused to budge. He pressed up against me and whispered "Are you -sure- about this?" Yes, I was sure but Wyatt wasn't going to move. I finally asked the young man in front of us if he would find/hand me the bracelet.
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