I asked Wyatt if he would play his piano lesson for me. He told me he forgot it. Then he had a brilliant idea! "We can ask my teacher to come over to our house every day to help me play my piano lesson! We could give him a snack!"
I picked up the boys from school and we were on our way to pick up my little nephew Stephen. My visor was down because the sun was in my eyes. Jack saw my little cd holder on the back of the visor. "What is that cd that looks like a baseball?" he asked. "Well, that is a cd of the Rosary. It is a bunch of Hail Marys and Our Fathers. Do you want to hear it?" I asked.
"Uh...Not really" was Jack's reply.
The 2nd graders led mass this Friday. Jack was a petitioner again. I asked him how the kids are assigned their duties for mass. He said his teacher had him assigned to do one of the readings “but I am too uncomfortable to be a reader. I will be comfortable to be a reader when I am in 4th grade.”
I love going through the boys' Friday folders each weekend. The teachers send home the work the students have done throughout the week and there are always a few gems waiting there for me. Jack wrote a prayer in his computer class. His teacher thought it was good enough that she showed it to the principal and she wrote him a note! Then I found this lovely Christmas tree in Jack' folder and here is an Advent wreath made by little Wy.
The kids had a snow day on their last day of school before Christmas break. Unfortunately this was the day their Christmast parties were scheduled. Their snacks and crafts have been rescheduled. Wyatt's class made bells out of paper plates. Wyatt insists his in not a bell but an Elf hat.

And finally if you are looking for a good read you should pick up The Miraculous Journey of Edward Toulane. I have read the book before but I thought we I would read it to the boys this Christmas. Jack's favortie part was when Edward got fixed after his accident in the diner. Wyatt says his favorite part was the end. We can't tell you why because we don't want to spoil it for you! We hope you will put this on your "books to read" list and let us know what you think!
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