-How- have I not noticed this entire spring that my boys are the SAME NUMBER! The funny thing is that on Wyatt's team there are two #14s and two #11s. And for some odd reason they have named themselves the Super Spiders. (Like the boots?)
The 8 year old "Come over here, you. I want to cuddle you up and never let you go, little brother."
I LOVE these guys!
Wy has been working with a speech therapist this spring on his thrust. I do think it is not as pronounced as it was before he began. We are going to have him continue sessions over the summer. His therapist says he has made quite a lot of improvement.
The boys will be taking swim lessons this summer. Neither one of them is excited about this.
We are also going to see what we can participate in at the library so we can keep up our good reading skills over the summer. Jack has been tearing through the Wimpy Kid series and one of his classmates is going to lend him the first book in the Big Nate series. She said "He will like it. It's all about boys." Of course the word "boys" was said with as much exasperation as she could muster. That made me laugh.
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