Well folks, I had the week off from rehearsals and shows, but it was still jam packed with hauling the boys from party to party. The day after Seussical closed we went to the Coterie Christmas party where the boys had a wonderful time. Our Technical Director, Scott, is also a musician and he let the boys help him play Jingle Bells on the guitar. Jack used a guitar pic to strum the strings. He did a great job of keeping time. I'm not sure what time he was keeping but he was very rhythmic. Anyway, Jack strummed, Scott played chords on the frets and sang, and Wyatt just banged away on the neck of the guitar. Good times, yo!
We always open presents according to White Elephant rules at the Coterie Christmas party and Jack found this pretty exciting - at first...He was so excited about everyone taking turns and opening presents. He helped some folks open their gifts and he was dying for his turn to come up. About midway through, my boss Jeff decided to 'steal' a present from someone else instead of selecting an unopened present. Jack was just beside himself over the 'theft'. He told Jeff the "No, you give it back!" He was quite adamant that Jeff understand "is not yours". He just couldn't wrap his brain around the fact that it was ok for this to happen. Fortunately I had the foresight to bring specific presents for the boys and I used that moment to hand out Jack's gift. He was immediately distracted. Yeah me! Jeff got his in the end though - the gift he stole was stolen and in the he wound up with these lovely comedy and drama gloves, kerchief and tea towel!
We rang in the New Year at our Church. I know it doesn't sound terribly exciting, but was a good time. There was babysitting down the hall while the adults had dancing etc. in the reception room. I was somewhat surprised to see that there was no sleeping involved for the children. I don’t know why I was surprised considering there were about 40 kids (ranging from 9 months to 13 years old.) Anyway, the boys had a grand time playing, watching movies, making friends and eating entirely way too much popcorn, chips and fruit juice packs. Shortly before midnight we scooped up the boys so they could party it up with Mom & Dad! It was pretty fun to celebrate with the little guys.
.On Thursday we went St. Joe to celebrate the Abels Family Christmas at my sister’s house. I wish I had thought to bring a few presents for the boys. OK, I wish I had thought to bring a few Thomas presents for Wyatt because he FREAKED OUT when Noah opened his Thomas gifts. Noah was just having a good time playing with stuff but Wyatt insisted that all Thomas gifts were his and his alone. Here he is STEALING Noah’s little Thomas wheel thing and screaming "THOM-MINE!"
OK - now for the random stuff:
My mom has a photo montage as the desktop background on her laptop. The boys love to identify all the people in the pictures, particularly Wyatt. Earlier in the week Wy pointed to a picture of Gran and said "Great". Actually he said "Grey" but it was clear he knew who she was. Mom teared up and started hugging Wy telling him how sweet and smart he is. He had no time for that business, he just shoved her off so he could point out more people.
Wy's vocabulary has EXPLODED in the last week. He still doesn't get the end most words in there, but if you are talking to/with him he isn't terribly hard to understand. One phrase that is perfectly clear though is "Come on!" He throws this out at me when it is time to leave. He hollers it from the backseat as soon as I put the car in park. He grabs my hand and utters it as he drags me to the table for dinner. And I swear he says it to me ANY time I complain about ANYTHING. The really weird thing is that he says it as if I need to get a grip...He has also started saying "NO" and "Uh-uh" as a response to nearly every question you ask him. He runs around chanting "Thoma, Thomo, Thomu, Thomi..." which makes me want to sing the "We like to eat, we like to eat, we like to eat eeples and beneenees"
And he is OBSESSED with brushing his teeth. OK - he really just wants to suck the toothpaste off of the brush, but at least we are getting into the practice of 'brushing.' Anyway, before I have even gotten around to having the fellas brush, Wy comes at me "Tee! Tee! Tee!" At bedtime he demands to brush his "Tee! Tee! Tee!" And almost any other time he notices the bathroom sink...
I like to listen to NPR while driving but Jack has had enough: "No talking, Mommy. Jax wants car songs." We have some cds with kid songs, tv show themes etc. He recently started singing along with "WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? WHO? WHO? WHO? WHO? WHO?"
OK, dear friends - you all know I could go on and on. I do though have things I must get done. So, have a safe and blessed week. This next weekend I will catch you all up on some pretty big changes around here. Wish me luck! Love, from Owenland Park.
Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
I am thrilled that everyone had a great time with their little "treats"! I also love getting a Cameo mention in your blog!!! Love you, Miss you, mean it!!!!
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