John and Jack made sugar cookies on Christmas Eve. Wy made a few pit stops at the cookie making station, but he was only interested in eating cookie dough or playing with the dishes. My other fellas had a great time cutting out cookies and drizzling them with homemade icing. Each of the boys picked out a cookie to leave for Santa. Wy ate most of the cookie he selected while Jack drank all of Santa's milk. They did leave the plate, one and a half cookies and an empty glass of milk on the hearth. I'm sure Santa understood. (And yes,that is a spaghetti noodle spoon that Wyatt is brandishing. He loves large utensils.)

For the last few weeks I have been explaining to Jack that Santa brings presents and kids get to ask Santa for something they want. I told him kids don't always get what they ask for, but it never hurts to ask.

Late in the afternoon on Christmas day, John and Jack were upstairs doing who knows what. I was hanging out on the couch trying to take a nap. Wy started fussing. I didn't think anything of it. The fussing continued. It didn't sound serious so I still didn't think anything of it. The fussing continued and became a bit frantic. After about a total of 5 minutes I finally got up to see what he was fussing about. He wasn't at the computer, his desk or on the stairs but I could tell he was downstairs. I couldn't quite figure out where the fussing was coming from. I opened the bathroom door and there was Wy, precariously perched in the sink. We have a teeny tiny wall-mount sink in that bathroom. The basin is barely big enough for me to wash my hands in it and here is Wy semi sitting in the sink. His feet are in the basin, his knees are hanging over the front edge, his left hand is on top of the toilet and his right hand is gripping the faucet. I can see quite clearly that it is taking everything that boy has in him to keep from toppling out of the sink. Now, if I hadn't been worried about him and his delicate position, I would have grabbed the camera and taken a picture for you. But let me tell you, that baby was in a pickle - so you will simply have to picture it in your mind. I did (only for a millisecond) think about having him recreate the scene...

Ok, dear friends, I am blogged out. Happy late Christmas, Merry New Year and I'll see you all again, next week!
Your blogging about the boys is amazing! Please keep writting.
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