I had the rents take the boys to church on Sunday as I had to work. The boys and I were heading out to the grocery store yesterday and here is Wy as I was trying to reinstall his car seat. He thought he was so grown up and funny by refusing to budge. He honestly thought I would just buckle him up as is...
I'm ready to lose my mind over potty training, people. Sadly, I have become very short tempered with Jack about the whole thing this week. I know my temper is not going to amount to a hill of beans in regards to whether or not that boy does his business in a pot or in his pants. So I am picking a new outlet. I have started praying to St. Jude. You might think I am praying that he will help Jack get on the pot. Not quite. I have decided to pray to St. Jude to help me find patience with Jack while he moseys his way through this process. I'm asking St. Jude to remind me to be nice and kind and to think before I open my mouth. That being said, Jack woke up a few days ago, stepped out of bed, gestured to his SOAKING sheets and said "Mommy, Jax peed in MY bed." It was an odd combination of disbelief and pride.
Earlier this week Wyatt started insisting we take his sox off before he goes to sleep. He can't quite do it himself so he sits or lies there tugging and tugging and screaching at his sox. He sometimes even gets his teeth involved. It is pretty funny and sad to watch him rolling around with sox in his teeth. The poor baby just can't get them off by himself and has fits until they come off.
I have started to notice that sometimes when the boys and I lay down for a group nap that Wy will slip his arm under my neck. I thought this was pretty funny until I looked at it from his perspective: I always put my arm under his neck and snuggle him up. I think this is him returning the snuggling up favour.

Last weekend we were in Omaha. One evening we (mom, dad, John the boys and I) were having dinner with my aunts Sr. Johnanna & Sr. Jean and Sr. Jean's brother Fr. Charlie. The ladies set out a large platter of fruit for dessert and Fr. Charlie was teasing Jack saying that I should peel grapes for Jack. I whispered to Jack "say, "get over it, Charlie." Well, I was sure this was one of those times that Jack would clam up and not do what I told him. Without missing a beat Jack says to the priest "Get over it, Char-die."
I took the boys to the bank on Thursday and the teller gave us 2 lollipops. Each lolly had a Kleenex covering it with a rubber band wrapped around the stem and a little face drawn on to make them look like Ghosts. Jack was not havin’ it. He did not like the ghosts. Once I showed him the lolly underneath, he was cool with the whole thing. Wyatt however just about went insane. He was reaching and straining to get out of his seat calling "CA-EE! CA-EE!"

John and the boys got to the theatre about 5 minutes before we were done for the day and everyone thought they were adorable tromping in in their little matching Thomas outfits. John opened the door and when Wy saw all the people, he freaked out. Jack ran right in, stopped, crouched down a bit and hollered "Ribbit! Ribbit!" It was the first time I ever knew trains ribbited...
OK - I know I am late getting this out to you all, but the Suess is keeping me busy. Have patience with me this week as well - I'm going to be up to my eyeballs till about next Tuesday. Until next time, God bless and keep you!
Love from Owenland Park!
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