At left are some of the kids having a wonderful time at the piano (which is so out of tune I should be SHOT) on Thanksgiving! At right is Wy refusing to share his grandpa with Noah. He saw Poppie holding Noah and DEMANDED that he be held too. Then Noah tried to hug him and he refused to be hugged. He wouldn't even LOOK at Noah.
Watching a movie with Jack is very much like watching Monday night football. Football games have announcers and now I have one as well. Jack comments upon and questions virtually every second of every show we watch: "What's he doin', mommy? Ooooh, he's finding a nest. Oh, NO! He's scared. Is a bird. Jackson see a bird, mommy. What's he doin?...What's he doin?...What's he doin?...What's he doin, mommy? That bird has a feaver (feather). He is so sad. Jackson's not sad. Is a bug! He's fwyin (flyin). Where's a nest? Oh, no! It's gone! What's he doin? What's he doin? What's he doin, mommy? What's he doin?..." It's like the song that never ends, "it just goes on and on my friends..."
Beth bought a mini basketball for the boys this week. John and Jack were playing catch with the ball. John was doing his best to ensure Jack would catch the ball. About every 4th or 5th toss, Jack would miss the ball. He would immediately say "Oh, no! Jackson's NEVER gonna catch it!" He would then put his head in his hands, look at the floor and shake his head. John and I couldn't even control ourselves. We just sat there and laughed.
Jack is making teeny tiny baby steps in the potty training department. Twice now he has walked up to me to TELL me "I poop my pants, mommy!" Oh the pride in his voice... At least he is becoming aware of the poop. Isn't that part of a 12 step program? To be able to admit you have a problem?
Wy is now in love with cheese. He demands cheese, or rather he demands "Chee! Chee! Chee! Chee!" He is despondent when he doesn't get cheese. As far as Wyatt is concerned, it isn't "chee" unless it is yellow and shredded. I tried tearing up a string cheese and slipping to to him with shredded cheddar. He would be chewing along and unerringly spit out the one little piece of mozzarella. I tried buying a brick of cheddar cheese and he freaked out when I offered him a slice. Why, you ask? Because it wasn't shredded. Then I tried to shred the slice I had given dice people. He wasn't having it. I had to shred the cheese in private.
When I left for work this morning it was snowing. Wy was sleeping in his crib. John and Jack were downstairs playing Candyland. Just before I left, Jack drew a card with 2 orange squares on it. As I was walking out the door he called out "Jackson got TWO ononge! Jackson SO HAPPY!"
Until next week, love from Owenland Park!
Baby, your Blog is so true to life, and amazingly fun to read. Thank you for putting it together and keeping it so up to date.
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