Wyatt is wearing 24 month clothes now. He is just barely 19 months but the 18 months clothes are just too small. And I swear he was only in those for about 3 months. Fortunately I have Jack's old things or I would have to head out and pick up a new wardrobe for Wy. The weird thing is: I can only find a FRACTION of Jack's 24 mo & 2T clothes. He had an avalanche of clothes - but I can't find half of them. That is making me crazy because I can find ANYTHING. Jack is stuck in the middle of 3Ts and 4Ts. 3T pants are just about too short. 4T pants are too big in the waist. All of his 3Ts had little adjustable straps in the waistband like maternity pants. I haven't seen any 4Ts with those little straps. Argh.
Jack is into burping. He has figured out how to make himself burp by sucking some air into his throat. Suck, burp, suck, burp, suck, burp...it goes on and on. It makes John a little bit insane.
Holy Moses - Jack is going to be a STAR!!! The Rep (where John works) is getting ready to do The Glass Menagerie and they want to have some video segments of one of the characters as a little boy. Well, the Christmas Carol kids were too big so they thought of Jack. The shoot was on Monday. John took Jack to the costume shop at 9:30 where they gave him different boots, mittens, scarf and hat. Then they went over to the location for the shoot. Jack and another actor played around for the director and the camera. They are supposed to look like father and son. I was so sad I couldn't go. (I had shows on Monday.) Anyway, John says it all went off without a hitch and that Jack was great - even when he had to give back his costume. I don't think the video is going to be that long in the show, but I'll report back after we see it!
The other night I was putting the boys to bed and while Jack was in the bathroom, Wy saw his opportunity. He stealthily climbed into Jack's bed, slipped under the covers and pulled them up to his chin. Then he slipped his arms out so he could be nice and tucked in. He laid there for a second enjoying the moment, then this sneaky little grin spread across his face. He knew Jack was going to come in and find him. Jack walked in, took one look at Wyatt and said "Heyyyy, what have we got here?" Wy snuggled in to show he wasn't going anywhere and grinned. It was too much for me. I had to step out.
Mom crochets and the boys are in love with her yarn. The other day ma cut a super long strand of yarn for Jack and wound it up into a ball. He loves this thing and constantly throws it all over the house then wants it wound up again. It was long enough to wrap around the living room, dinging room and kitchen almost twice. I was tired of being tied up/trapped by the string so I cut it to about 6 feet long. Jack was very upset. "You broke it! You fix it! I get a hammer!"
The other night Jack woke up and had to go to the bathroom. I went in with him and when he was done he asked "Where are we going?" I said "Well, you can go to your bed or you can come to bed with mommy." Jack tromped on back to his room so I went to bed. A minute later I hear the saddest little wail "What did I do?" Pause. Sniffles. Sad crying "What did I do?" It just about broke my heart that he thought I had banished him to his room and he had no idea why. I gathered him up and tucked him in bed with us.
OK - that does it for the week. Gimme another day or so and I will have our Christmas day post up for you! Love to everyone of you from Owenland Park!
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