There are many things I think about sharing with you each week. I toss out a lot of them because I worry about invading the kids' privacy. Without pointing fingers or getting mired down in the details I think it is fair to say we are sorting out some behavioral issues.
That being said, I debated and debated about sharing this with you, but I have talked to other parents of boys and they all have similar stories/memories so here goes: Jack is spends a lot of time with his penis. When we go into church I have to say "We are here to talk to Jesus, now take your hands out of your pants." When we are out shopping and I see him take his hands out of his pants to grab an item off the shelf I have to say "Nobody wants to touch that after you have been holding your penis!" He will be in time out and I will have to say "Time out is NOT about entertaining yourself, now get your hand out of your pants!" I don't want to give him a complex about it, but we have to have some socially acceptable behavior. I have resorted to telling him that it is ok when he is by himself. What else do ya say?...
Jess registered for her freshman year at Mercy High this week. Mercy is in Omaha Nebraska so Jess will be a 'foreign exchange' student of sorts coming this fall. She is currently behind in a few classes so all social activities have been put on hold. I am thrilled that she is fitting in so well and have told her that I will do all I can to allow her a fun and active social life but that she has to keep up with her school work and bring home good grades. We'll see how it works out.
I was in rehearsals for Atypical Boy (a world premiere by Laurie Brooks) the last two weeks. Rehearsals were in the evenings and I hadn't been getting home until everyone was in bed. I am pleased and sad to report that Jess rocked Wyatt to sleep twice last week. I am pleased because this is serious progress as far as Wy is concerned. When the girls first came to us in January, Wyatt wouldn't let Jess touch him. I am sad because I want to put my little Wy guy to sleep...Well, you can't always get what you wa-a-ant. At least that is what Mick Jagger says.

Trying to drive everyone where they need to go is a daily adventure. When I am in shows, Mom takes the girls to school while John and I take turns shuttling the 3 little ones out to Beth's house. When I am in rehearsals, Mom & I take turns getting the girls to school in the morning while Beth and I make daily deals about my going to her house or her coming to mine. Whenever I pile the little ones into the car, Jack & Devlyn race to see who can get their seat belt buckled up first. When the girls first came, Devlyn couldn't buckle her seat belt on her own. Now she beats Jack nearly every time. And she GLOATS about it. "JACK, I BEAT YOU!!!" Jack doesn't seem to mind though. As soon as he gets buckled he happily shouts "Mommy! I winned!" I tell him they both won. If Jack gets buckled up first, Devlyn is devastated. She quits trying to buckle up. She hangs her head in despair. She doesn't want help and refuses to have her spirits lifted.

This week Jack has taken to singing his own version of Happy Birthday: Happy Valentine's to Mommy! Happy Valentine's to Mommy! Happy Valentine's to Mommy! Happy Valentine's to Mommy! He and Abbie Cat partook of some silly time the other night.

Kilroy was here! (OK - I couldn't resist that one.) Wy refuses to hug anyone when he apologizes. He will say "Horry Abbie." I will tell him to give her a hug and he will shriek "NO!" or "UH-UH!"
Wy IS human! OK - maybe I shouldn't be excited about this, but my little bottomless pitted stomach of a boy refused food the other morning. He wouldn't eat his "bwan" (banana) he sort of cuddled it and walked around with it for a while. (Turns out his tummy was upset.) I wish I had a picture of him cuddling the banana - but it was discarded by the time I thought of it. Oh well...

Saturday was gorgeous. The kids were all outside playing. Jack was pulling Wy around the back yard in their big little red wagon. Jack must have been distracted as he ran off. Within .5 seconds Wy turned around and stood up in the back end of the wagon. You guessed it, the wagon tipped over and Wy's face smashed into the deck. Poor baby cut his lip open with his tooth and was so upset he wasn't even crying. OK - it was the crying where they let out such a long wail that they run out of air but keep going even when there is no sound? Then they have to take in this long slow inhale before they can let out another wail... Anyways, we got him calmed down and his face cleaned up (he had sucked on his fingers getting blood all over them, then he was holding his face smearing blood on his ear, eye and cheek...) I took him upstairs to put him down for a nap but he had turned into super baby octopus. He would not let me put him down. I could not sever his grasp on me. You know, a determined child is a force to be reckoned with. So, there we stood (at the cage) cuddling until he felt cozy enough to lay down. Maybe it will change, but I have a sneaking suspicion that even when he is 35 I will still want to cuddle him. And even though I was running late for work, I decided to embrace my little octopus because there will be a day when he won't let me do that anymore.

The cats are starting to adjust to the girls. Libby will sometimes curl up with Jess at night. Gracie has finally coming out of hiding. I think she must have attended an AA meeting - she seems to have come to the understand that she has to accept the things she cannot change...
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