Here Abby gives Devlyn a lift. We were having a grand time the other night with airplane rides.

Poor Uncle John had to give everyone a lift to touch the ceiling. He was a good sport even after he broke a sweat...

Holy Toilet, Batman! I am not sure who the culprit is, but someone decided the toilet must be a holy place and used a crayon to mark the spot. I just hope no one blessed themselves with the water...

Wy loves bath time. He was so excited the other day when Jack was in the tub that he just launched himself in - clothes and all.

Devlyn has an infection on one of her toes. I have her soak her foot in water and peroxide every other day for about 5 minutes. Jack is fascinated with this process and insisted that he soak his foot too.

Devlyn attacked me in this little pop up Thomas play thing the other day. She pulled it out from under the sofa, unfolded it and climbed the stairs in it to 'surprise' me.

"One! Singular sensation, every little step he takes (da da da da da da da) One! Thrilling combination. Every move that he makes. One smile and suddenly nobody else will do! You know you'll never be lonely with YOU KNOW WHOOOOOOO ONE!

Wy hardly ever smiles for the camera - so I had to include this one for you. And look at that baby's face. I can't keep him clean longer than 30 seconds.

Now that we have a pattern of the girls coming home from school and sitting down to do homework, Jack likes to do his homework too. He saw this picture last night and said "Look, Mommy! Jax does his homework!"

I got home early from rehearsal one night last week to discover Jack & Connie cuddled up on the couch watching one of their movies.
Until next time, peace, love and blessings.
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