I was sitting in church with Wyatt on my lap last Sunday and enjoying the fact that I am finally able to spend my attention on mass instead of children. (You see, I recently had the epiphany of bringing Wyatt's pacifier to mass with us. He calls' it his "passer". Since I have been adding the passer to the 'Sunday go to church' bag - life with Wy has been much easier during mass.) Anyway, there we were sitting together. Wy was on my lap, facing me. He was snuggling and sucking happily away on the "s-eye-r" as he calls it. Suddenly I felt a huge lump on the back of his head. I turned his head for a look and see a good sized scab on the back of his head. My first thought was "Poor baby! When did he fall and why didn't anyone tell me about it?" Then I noticed that the scab didn't feel like it was attached so I took another look. It was not a scab. It was a huge tic.
A. It was really about all I could do to not let out a blood curdling scream in the middle of the Gospel. (I can deal with a lot of stuff, but I really cannot deal with insects in hair.)
B. I couldn't wait for mass to be over before I got this blood sucking creepy crawly off of Wy's head. I picked him up and stumbled across everyone in the pew. (Wouldn't you know I was about dead center in the pew that day.) We headed to one of the rooms off of the gathering space. I got him situated and then moved to pull this thing out of his head and realised there was no way in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks I was going to grab hold of that...THING. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Back into church we went to get my purse which has tweezers. I'm sure the two of us looked like our own little comedy of errors, but I just went to my stupid place when I saw this thing happily sucking away on Wy's little head.
C. Tics are amazingly hard to remove. I mean, I had to pull hard to get him off of Wy. And the whole time I'm trying to put steady pressure on the thing so I don't tear his head off leaving it anchored in Wy's scalp. UGH! It just gives me the heebie jeebies. Fortunately I got it out in one piece.
D. I called the Dr.s office Monday morning and they told me to keep an eye on Wy for the next 4 WEEKS to see if he develops a rash. If that happens we are to take him straight to the Dr.s office. No rash, no problems. Keep your fingers crossed.
Devon stayed the week with us. (She came down Monday afternoon and stayed through Abby's First Communion yesterday.) Her Monday arrival was just in time for me to head out to the grocery store. I have told you before how absurd I look tromping through the grocery with 3 kids, 2 carts and 1 me so I was thrilled to head out with just the boys. Jack insisted on taking his toy broom with him. He swept the backseat as we drove to the grocery. He swept the cart, he swept the produce department. Over the last few months, we have made a friend in the produce department. His name is Dehzir (I have no idea how to spell it.) Anyway, he always stops to talk to us and asks how the boys are doing, how the girls are doing and how the adults are doing. He always wishes us a good week. He thanked Jack for sweeping the floor and he tried to chat with Wy. Wy wasn't having it. He tucked his chin down hard on his chest and growled "No, Mo-mmy." Them's the brakes...
Jack is determined that Devlyn is going to the beach. I'm not sure if it is wishful thinking or not. I don't know where he got the idea that she is going to the beach, but he keeps asking when she is going. We will be getting in the car and he says "Is Dvwyn going to the beach?" We come out of a store and he says "Is Devwyn going to the beach?" We leave church and he says "Is Devwyn going to the beach?" I don't get it.
I believe I have mentioned that Jack likes to sleep on the floor? Well, was sleeping on the floor EVERY night. I asked him if he wanted to sleep in his bed and he said "No. Little boys has to sleep on a floor because ats what we do, mommy." John and I had been talking about moving Jack into a twin bed and since we got our tax returns back, we decided to make the move. We rounded up Jack and Mom and headed out to the bed store. Jack had loads of fun bouncing on beds, hiding behind beds, running between beds. He was near desperate to jump on the beds, but that is where John and I drew the line. (The nice bed man said all the little ones want to jump on the beds.) Anyway, in no time at all we sent John home with Jack's new bed while mom, Jack and I went out to pick up bedding. We picked out mostly neutral light and dark blues with one set of Thomas sheets. Mom had the great foresight to pick up a Thomas blanket for Wyatt.
They boys were near hysterical as we were getting the bed ready. They couldn't keep their hands off it. Wy was DETERMINED to be involved with this bed and he didn't want his Thomas blanket, thank you very much. He wanted Jack's bed. Period. Jack was so happy with his new big boy bed that he was asleep in minutes. I was thrilled!
(The next day when the kids got home from Beth's house, Wy ran right up to his room and got everything he needed: his "pass-er" his Thomas book and his Whinnie the Pooh lovey. He climbed right up in Jack's new bed and snuggled in. He hung out there for a good 45 minutes. I kept telling him he didn't have to lay down, but he insisted on 'reading' to himself.)
During the day, Jack loves his bed. He likes to take folks in to show them his new bed. "It is beautiful" he says with a sigh...Bedtime is a different story. He doesn't want to sleep in his bed. He is afraid of his room. He is afraid of the ceiling fan. He is afraid of the shadows on the ceiling. He wants to be close to the door, which is closer to mommy. He cries and cries "I has to get out of here..." My strategy has been to read him to sleep each night. Once he settles down, it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep. The few times he hasn't fallen asleep during reading time, I have kissed him and told him I would be back to check on him in 5 minutes. Bless his heart, he waits queitly and patiently. Most often his is asleep when I get back.
John took the boys out to pick up a pair of summer shoes for Wyatt. As they were nearing the check out, John showed Wyatt the tag and without any prompting, Wy declared "6!" John looked and sure enough the shoes were a size 6. He turned the tag upside down and Wy shouted "9!" Great job Wy! He also likes to say "I'm funny!" whenever someone is laughing with him.
Opening and closing night of Annie was last week. The kids did a great job and Jess was wonderful. I missed her big solo. One of the kids got a bloody nose and needed help to get to the bathroom and get cleaned up etc. By the time I got back, Jess' big moment was over. Argh. She and the rest of the cast went out for ice cream afterwards. And bless her poor heart, she woke up to a migraine the next day.
We went to my cousin Anthony's wedding on Saturday. The kids were getting rather restless because the wedding got started late. I like to reserve the juice and snacks for once services begin, but we couldn't hold off any longer. Things got under way and after one of the songs stopped Jack hollered out "It's OVER!" Embarrassing and funny all in one. My sister Melanie was an usher and Jess was a candle lighter. They were both absolutely lovely.
Abby made her First Communion on Sunday. Gammy made her dress, veil, beaded sox and a little purse. Abby was radiant. I rebuilt a rosary for her out of my Grandpa's stash. All the beads were there, but the pins and chains had all seen better days. And it was missing a crucifix. She liked it so much she took it in for show and tell this week.
And look here. This was a blessed moment of silence and companionship. I put in the movie Cars after dinner one night. They all ran for the sofa and blanket. Those 40 minutes of peace and calm will live in my heart...That taps me, folks. I'll try to get into a better rhythm of updates, we'll see what happens! Love and blessings from Owenland Park!
Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
It's been a long time coming.
Posted by
on Saturday, April 18, 2009
Comments: (0)
I really can't wait for the lifetime of various brotherly love/hug photos. I love each and every one of them!Can you believe how much these boys look like their daddy?
Jess is plowing through the Twilight series. She is constantly running up to me and saying "They just did this!" or she laments about having to go to school "but it just got good!" I know what she means. I hate having to put down a good book to do something like go to work or make dinner. I would much rather read.
She is working on her school production of Annie, which goes up next Thursday. She is very excited about it. She tells me all about rehearsal and how they "have to do this thing called tech" as if I have no idea what tech is about...please. I kept hush about it instead of telling her all about 10 out of 12s (2 days of working noon to midnight while we add in all the light cues, sound cues and costume changes.) Mom and Dad brought Jess, Abby & Connie to see The Witches at the Coterie tonight. (It was opening night.) The girls loved it. Connie got scared when the witches took off their wigs to show their "spotty scalps". She had to go sit with Gammy & Poppy. She was very excited to meet The Grand High Witch after the show though!
Abby is getting ready for her 1st Communion. That happens next weekend. I will be making her a rosary this week. I think it is going to be lovely. I hope she likes it.
Connie has been having a terrible time getting to sleep this week. I think her sleep clock is off. That child lies in bed and talks, sings, flips and flops...she works every trick in the book to do anything BUT go to sleep. It has not been fun, people. She turned 6 last Sunday. Here she is with her Easter basket.
So, I was cleaning out the cat litter in the bathroom one morning this week. (We have a little step stool in the bathroom for all the kids and I was sitting on it.) Devlyn was standing behind me. Suddenly I hear her say in what sounds to me like a BOOMING voice "WOW, Amy, you have a REALLY BIG BUTT!" I said I wasn't speaking to her anymore.
She is starting to get into the fact that her sisters are reading. She flips through books or magazines 'reading' out loud. She was sitting next to John one morning 'reading' a story "Once upon a time there were some cookies in her mouth."
My favorite conversation of the week:
Devlyn: Amy is not a guy, Jack.
Jack: Yes he is, Devlyn!
Devlyn: Amy is a mommy.
Jack: He is my mommy and he is a guy!
We took a trip to US Toy last week. I don't remember why. Anyway, Jack and Wy insisted that we visit the Thomas section - go figure. They have a little kid sized table set up with train tracks and stations etc. Jack LOVES this table. We have been to a few other stores with the same kind of table and I always make a point of saying "We have to leave in 3 minutes." Only I wasn't planning very well that day and when it was time to leave I said "We have to go." Let me tell you, that was the beginning of the end. He had fits. There were tears. There was semi-hyperventilation. There was the struggle to get him into the car seat because he wanted to go back in the store. He continued to sob and cry the whole way home. At one point Devlyn very calmly said to him "It's ok, Jack. Just take a breath. You need to calm down." He looked at her and cried "I *gasp* don't want *gasp* to talk *gasp* to you *gasp* right now!"
I started reading The Witches to the boys at bed time last week. Jack has requested the book every night since we started. The week before that I was still in rehearsals, which meant I was working late. Every night I would come home to find Jack sleeping on a little home made pallet beside his bed. John says Jack didn't mind my working late but when it was time for bed and I wasn't there, he insisted on sleeping on the floor so he could "watch for mommy."
He had a Dr.'s appointment the other week. I think I told you all about that. Anyway, the Dr. drew a happy face and asked Jack to draw one too. Here is the terrifying happy face that Jack drew. The little blobs at the bottom of the page are the arms and legs belonging to the happy face...
Wy gives fishy kisses now. Almost anytime I ask for a kiss, he sucks his cheeks in and pushes his lips out and lunges for my face. It is quite the experience. He wants to "eat-eat!" No one is more excited about dinner time than Wy. All I have to say is "Dinner's ready!" and he runs for his chair chanting "Eat-eat!" He is starting to know some of his numbers. Instead of parroting the number back to you, he sometimes supplies the next number. He is especially fond of the number 8 and knows that it comes after 7.
When he is upset or doesn't like the way things are going, he stomps his feet, tucks his chin to his chest and sternly tells me "No, mommy, no!" He will comply with what I'm asking (like sitting in time out) but he chants "No, mo-mmy, no!" Then a little light seems to go off in his head. It says something like: "Time out is supposed to be bad, but if I don't mind it, then it isn't really a punishment..." Then he sort of leans back on his elbows and swings his feet and grins at me.
The fellas came down to visit me for a dinner break last weekend. After dinner at Fritz's (where your meal is delivered via trains on tracks suspended from the ceiling) we went back to the theatre to visit with everyone and spend a few minutes hanging out before they headed out for home.
Here they are playing with the drapes that seperate the men's & women's dressing rooms. Good times, yo. I have a show to get up in the next few minutes, so I'm going to sign off for the week. Love and blessings to you and yours.
Jess is plowing through the Twilight series. She is constantly running up to me and saying "They just did this!" or she laments about having to go to school "but it just got good!" I know what she means. I hate having to put down a good book to do something like go to work or make dinner. I would much rather read.
She is working on her school production of Annie, which goes up next Thursday. She is very excited about it. She tells me all about rehearsal and how they "have to do this thing called tech" as if I have no idea what tech is about...please. I kept hush about it instead of telling her all about 10 out of 12s (2 days of working noon to midnight while we add in all the light cues, sound cues and costume changes.) Mom and Dad brought Jess, Abby & Connie to see The Witches at the Coterie tonight. (It was opening night.) The girls loved it. Connie got scared when the witches took off their wigs to show their "spotty scalps". She had to go sit with Gammy & Poppy. She was very excited to meet The Grand High Witch after the show though!
Abby is getting ready for her 1st Communion. That happens next weekend. I will be making her a rosary this week. I think it is going to be lovely. I hope she likes it.
Connie has been having a terrible time getting to sleep this week. I think her sleep clock is off. That child lies in bed and talks, sings, flips and flops...she works every trick in the book to do anything BUT go to sleep. It has not been fun, people. She turned 6 last Sunday. Here she is with her Easter basket.
So, I was cleaning out the cat litter in the bathroom one morning this week. (We have a little step stool in the bathroom for all the kids and I was sitting on it.) Devlyn was standing behind me. Suddenly I hear her say in what sounds to me like a BOOMING voice "WOW, Amy, you have a REALLY BIG BUTT!" I said I wasn't speaking to her anymore.
She is starting to get into the fact that her sisters are reading. She flips through books or magazines 'reading' out loud. She was sitting next to John one morning 'reading' a story "Once upon a time there were some cookies in her mouth."
My favorite conversation of the week:
Devlyn: Amy is not a guy, Jack.
Jack: Yes he is, Devlyn!
Devlyn: Amy is a mommy.
Jack: He is my mommy and he is a guy!
We took a trip to US Toy last week. I don't remember why. Anyway, Jack and Wy insisted that we visit the Thomas section - go figure. They have a little kid sized table set up with train tracks and stations etc. Jack LOVES this table. We have been to a few other stores with the same kind of table and I always make a point of saying "We have to leave in 3 minutes." Only I wasn't planning very well that day and when it was time to leave I said "We have to go." Let me tell you, that was the beginning of the end. He had fits. There were tears. There was semi-hyperventilation. There was the struggle to get him into the car seat because he wanted to go back in the store. He continued to sob and cry the whole way home. At one point Devlyn very calmly said to him "It's ok, Jack. Just take a breath. You need to calm down." He looked at her and cried "I *gasp* don't want *gasp* to talk *gasp* to you *gasp* right now!"
I started reading The Witches to the boys at bed time last week. Jack has requested the book every night since we started. The week before that I was still in rehearsals, which meant I was working late. Every night I would come home to find Jack sleeping on a little home made pallet beside his bed. John says Jack didn't mind my working late but when it was time for bed and I wasn't there, he insisted on sleeping on the floor so he could "watch for mommy."
He had a Dr.'s appointment the other week. I think I told you all about that. Anyway, the Dr. drew a happy face and asked Jack to draw one too. Here is the terrifying happy face that Jack drew. The little blobs at the bottom of the page are the arms and legs belonging to the happy face...
Wy gives fishy kisses now. Almost anytime I ask for a kiss, he sucks his cheeks in and pushes his lips out and lunges for my face. It is quite the experience. He wants to "eat-eat!" No one is more excited about dinner time than Wy. All I have to say is "Dinner's ready!" and he runs for his chair chanting "Eat-eat!" He is starting to know some of his numbers. Instead of parroting the number back to you, he sometimes supplies the next number. He is especially fond of the number 8 and knows that it comes after 7.
When he is upset or doesn't like the way things are going, he stomps his feet, tucks his chin to his chest and sternly tells me "No, mommy, no!" He will comply with what I'm asking (like sitting in time out) but he chants "No, mo-mmy, no!" Then a little light seems to go off in his head. It says something like: "Time out is supposed to be bad, but if I don't mind it, then it isn't really a punishment..." Then he sort of leans back on his elbows and swings his feet and grins at me.
The fellas came down to visit me for a dinner break last weekend. After dinner at Fritz's (where your meal is delivered via trains on tracks suspended from the ceiling) we went back to the theatre to visit with everyone and spend a few minutes hanging out before they headed out for home.
Here they are playing with the drapes that seperate the men's & women's dressing rooms. Good times, yo. I have a show to get up in the next few minutes, so I'm going to sign off for the week. Love and blessings to you and yours.
It ain't the Love Boat, but it is exciting and new!
Posted by
on Monday, April 6, 2009
Comments: (1)
Jess was confirmed on Tuesday. It was a lovely ceremony. Initially I was irritated that John stayed home with the boys and Devlyn, but once we passed the hour mark I was relieved that we didn't have to deal with the younger kids. I almost called John to tell him "OK, you were right...for the second time!" (He has been right more than twice - it just sounds funnier to me to to say it has only happened twice. HA!) So here she is being confirmed. Our cousin Helen was her sponsor.
And then here she is with Bishop Nauman getting her roasaries blessed. (Her friend Gabby came down from St. Joseph with her parents to attend the ceremony and they gave her a lovely rosary and prayer box charm. I carry on a family tradition of rosary making and made one for her.) My sister Devon (the girls' mama) made it into town for Jess' confirmation. She stayed the week with us and helped throw a baby shower for our Cousin, Monica. It meant so much to the girls to have Devon here this week. It has been really hard on them with their mama in St. Joe.
Wy is a pistol. He has suddenly turned into an energetic maniac. He runs, he jumps, he bounces on furniture, he leaps and bounds, he whips his head back and forth nearly screaming "aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and laughing... I do not know what has caused this sudden change, but I blame my aunt Beth. All during my pregnancy with Wyatt she kept saying that Jack was so good I would definitely be in for it with Wyatt... Here is my little monkey on the computer desk. I have no idea how he got up there. I came downstairs to work on the blog and found the boys just hanging out.
I'll be back my pretties! (There is a Wizard of Oz exhibit behind the theatre and I couldn't resist having my picture taken on the Wicked Witch's broom!
Love, from Owenland Park!
And then here she is with Bishop Nauman getting her roasaries blessed. (Her friend Gabby came down from St. Joseph with her parents to attend the ceremony and they gave her a lovely rosary and prayer box charm. I carry on a family tradition of rosary making and made one for her.) My sister Devon (the girls' mama) made it into town for Jess' confirmation. She stayed the week with us and helped throw a baby shower for our Cousin, Monica. It meant so much to the girls to have Devon here this week. It has been really hard on them with their mama in St. Joe.
At some point during mass, the musicians started to play something and the confirmandi lined up. Connie piped up to her mama "It's like a parade!" And look who is so handsome in his fancy get up for Jess' confirmation! Daddy is in the Knights of Columbus. I think it is pretty special that he participated in Jess' ceremony with the rest of the Knights.
Wy is a pistol. He has suddenly turned into an energetic maniac. He runs, he jumps, he bounces on furniture, he leaps and bounds, he whips his head back and forth nearly screaming "aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and laughing... I do not know what has caused this sudden change, but I blame my aunt Beth. All during my pregnancy with Wyatt she kept saying that Jack was so good I would definitely be in for it with Wyatt... Here is my little monkey on the computer desk. I have no idea how he got up there. I came downstairs to work on the blog and found the boys just hanging out.
Jack tried negotiated with me about getting to sleep in mommy's bed this week. I kept telling him he needed to learn to sleep in his own bed. One night, he finally looked at me and said "Well, Jax just wants to sleep in mommy's bed for 100 minutes." How do you say no to that? It's just too funny. I said ok but only because it was his birthday and that starting the next night he needed to be in his room. He said ok. I said "You aren't going to remember this tomorrow night are you?" and he said "no." He had his 4 year check up this morning. The Dr. is pleased with Jack's progress. We do need to work on his small and gross motor skills though. I'm going to talk to John about getting Jack into a class of some king - karate, yoga, gymnastics...We also need to work with him on things like drawing, tracing, connecting the dots etc. This was the first Dr.s visit Jack has had where he didn't scream his head off. I was so proud of him! He endured stethescopes, being weighed, being measured, poked, proded, turned around, asked tons of questions, demonstrating skills...He did great. And what did we do to reward him? We gave him a shot in the arm at the end. I made up for it with a "wowwy-pop" and he was happy as a clam!
Now, here is the exciting and new part! I simply can't believe I managed to figure out how to take a video with the camera - and then upload it to the blog, but that is exactly what I did. I am a tech rock star!!!. OK, not really. But I hope you enjoy our little froggy. He had a good time the other morning learning new things with mommy!
I'll be back my pretties! (There is a Wizard of Oz exhibit behind the theatre and I couldn't resist having my picture taken on the Wicked Witch's broom!
Love, from Owenland Park!