A. It was really about all I could do to not let out a blood curdling scream in the middle of the Gospel. (I can deal with a lot of stuff, but I really cannot deal with insects in hair.)
B. I couldn't wait for mass to be over before I got this blood sucking creepy crawly off of Wy's head. I picked him up and stumbled across everyone in the pew. (Wouldn't you know I was about dead center in the pew that day.) We headed to one of the rooms off of the gathering space. I got him situated and then moved to pull this thing out of his head and realised there was no way in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks I was going to grab hold of that...THING. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Back into church we went to get my purse which has tweezers. I'm sure the two of us looked like our own little comedy of errors, but I just went to my stupid place when I saw this thing happily sucking away on Wy's little head.
C. Tics are amazingly hard to remove. I mean, I had to pull hard to get him off of Wy. And the whole time I'm trying to put steady pressure on the thing so I don't tear his head off leaving it anchored in Wy's scalp. UGH! It just gives me the heebie jeebies. Fortunately I got it out in one piece.
D. I called the Dr.s office Monday morning and they told me to keep an eye on Wy for the next 4 WEEKS to see if he develops a rash. If that happens we are to take him straight to the Dr.s office. No rash, no problems. Keep your fingers crossed.
Devon stayed the week with us. (She came down Monday afternoon and stayed through Abby's First Communion yesterday.) Her Monday arrival was just in time for me to head out to the grocery store. I have told you before how absurd I look tromping through the grocery with 3 kids, 2 carts and 1 me so I was thrilled to head out with just the boys. Jack insisted on taking his toy broom with him. He swept the backseat as we drove to the grocery. He swept the cart, he swept the produce department. Over the last few months, we have made a friend in the produce department. His name is Dehzir (I have no idea how to spell it.) Anyway, he always stops to talk to us and asks how the boys are doing, how the girls are doing and how the adults are doing. He always wishes us a good week. He thanked Jack for sweeping the floor and he tried to chat with Wy. Wy wasn't having it. He tucked his chin down hard on his chest and growled "No, Mo-mmy." Them's the brakes...
Jack is determined that Devlyn is going to the beach. I'm not sure if it is wishful thinking or not. I don't know where he got the idea that she is going to the beach, but he keeps asking when she is going. We will be getting in the car and he says "Is Dvwyn going to the beach?" We come out of a store and he says "Is Devwyn going to the beach?" We leave church and he says "Is Devwyn going to the beach?" I don't get it.
I believe I have mentioned that Jack likes to sleep on the floor? Well, was sleeping on the floor EVERY night. I asked him if he wanted to sleep in his bed and he said "No. Little boys has to sleep on a floor because ats what we do, mommy." John and I had been talking about moving Jack into a twin bed and since we got our tax returns back, we decided to make the move. We rounded up Jack and Mom and headed out to the bed store. Jack had loads of fun bouncing on beds, hiding behind beds, running between beds. He was near desperate to jump on the beds, but that is where John and I drew the line. (The nice bed man said all the little ones want to jump on the beds.) Anyway, in no time at all we sent John home with Jack's new bed while mom, Jack and I went out to pick up bedding. We picked out mostly neutral light and dark blues with one set of Thomas sheets. Mom had the great foresight to pick up a Thomas blanket for Wyatt.
During the day, Jack loves his bed. He likes to take folks in to show them his new bed. "It is beautiful" he says with a sigh...Bedtime is a different story. He doesn't want to sleep in his bed. He is afraid of his room. He is afraid of the ceiling fan. He is afraid of the shadows on the ceiling. He wants to be close to the door, which is closer to mommy. He cries and cries "I has to get out of here..." My strategy has been to read him to sleep each night. Once he settles down, it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep. The few times he hasn't fallen asleep during reading time, I have kissed him and told him I would be back to check on him in 5 minutes. Bless his heart, he waits queitly and patiently. Most often his is asleep when I get back.
John took the boys out to pick up a pair of summer shoes for Wyatt. As they were nearing the check out, John showed Wyatt the tag and without any prompting, Wy declared "6!" John looked and sure enough the shoes were a size 6. He turned the tag upside down and Wy shouted "9!" Great job Wy! He also likes to say "I'm funny!" whenever someone is laughing with him.
We went to my cousin Anthony's wedding on Saturday. The kids were getting rather restless because the wedding got started late. I like to reserve the juice and snacks for once services begin, but we couldn't hold off any longer. Things got under way and after one of the songs stopped Jack hollered out "It's OVER!" Embarrassing and funny all in one. My sister Melanie was an usher and Jess was a candle lighter. They were both absolutely lovely.
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