Jess was confirmed on Tuesday. It was a lovely ceremony. Initially I was irritated that John stayed home with the boys and Devlyn, but once we passed the hour mark I was relieved that we didn't have to deal with the younger kids. I almost called John to tell him "OK, you were right...for the second time!" (He has been right more than twice - it just sounds funnier to me to to say it has only happened twice. HA!) So here she is being confirmed. Our cousin Helen was her sponsor.

And then here she is with Bishop Nauman getting her roasaries blessed. (Her friend Gabby came down from St. Joseph with her parents to attend the ceremony and they gave her a lovely rosary and prayer box charm. I carry on a family tradition of rosary making and made one for her.) My sister Devon (the girls' mama) made it into town for Jess' confirmation. She stayed the week with us and helped throw a baby shower for our Cousin, Monica. It meant so much to the girls to have Devon here this week. It has been really hard on them with their mama in St. Joe.

At some point during mass, the musicians started to play something and the confirmandi lined up. Connie piped up to her mama "It's like a parade!" And look who is so handsome in his fancy get up for Jess' confirmation! Daddy is in the Knights of Columbus. I think it is pretty special that he participated in Jess' ceremony with the rest of the Knights.

Wy is a pistol. He has suddenly turned into an energetic maniac. He runs, he jumps, he bounces on furniture, he leaps and bounds, he whips his head back and forth nearly screaming "aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and laughing... I do not know what has caused this sudden change, but I blame my aunt Beth. All during my pregnancy with Wyatt she kept saying that Jack was so good I would definitely be in for it with Wyatt... Here is my little monkey on the computer desk. I have no idea how he got up there. I came downstairs to work on the blog and found the boys just hanging out.
Jack tried negotiated with me about getting to sleep in mommy's bed this week. I kept telling him he needed to learn to sleep in his own bed. One night, he finally looked at me and said "Well, Jax just wants to sleep in mommy's bed for 100 minutes." How do you say no to that? It's just too funny. I said ok but only because it was his birthday and that starting the next night he needed to be in his room. He said ok. I said "You aren't going to remember this tomorrow night are you?" and he said "no." He had his 4 year check up this morning. The Dr. is pleased with Jack's progress. We do need to work on his small and gross motor skills though. I'm going to talk to John about getting Jack into a class of some king - karate, yoga, gymnastics...We also need to work with him on things like drawing, tracing, connecting the dots etc. This was the first Dr.s visit Jack has had where he didn't scream his head off. I was so proud of him! He endured stethescopes, being weighed, being measured, poked, proded, turned around, asked tons of questions, demonstrating skills...He did great. And what did we do to reward him? We gave him a shot in the arm at the end. I made up for it with a "wowwy-pop" and he was happy as a clam!
Now, here is the exciting and new part! I simply can't believe I managed to figure out how to take a video with the camera - and then upload it to the blog, but that is exactly what I did. I am a tech rock star!!!. OK, not really. But I hope you enjoy our little froggy. He had a good time the other morning learning new things with mommy!

I'll be back my pretties! (There is a Wizard of Oz exhibit behind the theatre and I couldn't resist having my picture taken on the Wicked Witch's broom!
Love, from Owenland Park!
I loved my Wyatt kiss!!!!!!
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