Jack has learned to hop on one foot - something he was not able to do at his 4 year check up. Not to be left out or out-done, Wy sort of bounces as he stands on one foot. He does hold my hand to do this - but he is doing all the work. This pleases him to no end.
John had to replace the breaks on his truck the other week. Thank heavens my John is a gear head. I don't know how we would have paid for a break job if he couldn't do it himself. Once Jack heard that daddy was headed downstairs to work on his truck, Jack insisted that he could help too. He grabbed up his toolbox and said "My tools will really help." Off they went, into the garage, for hours...Then it was poor Jack's bedtime, the job wasn't done and he was distraught. He couldn't fathom leaving daddy and the job not done.
Devlyn has taken to carrying a purse everywhere she goes. It is near to bursting and weighs a ton. I finally sneaked a peak inside one day this week - her purse if full of trains.
Whenever we do go for a walk, I let the kids race to the next driveway. (I think we have talked about this before.) They know they have to stop at the driveway. If they fail to stop, they have to hold my hand while the other kids get to race. Well, Devlyn is fast. That child wins every race. She has even beat Connie a time or two. I have to negotiate deals with her to let Jack and Wy win once each walk.
Abby & Connie have enrolled in a Coterie class called Where the Wild Things Are. They go on Saturday afternoons and are having a wonderful time. They have class on Halloween and are so excited about such a fun class on Halloween.
Every one's grades came out this week. Abby is doing great with all As, Bs and 1 C. Abby's teacher commented that Abby's reading and math skills went up over the summer and that does not happen - ever. She told Ma that it is a direct result of our working with her over the summer - yeah us! Abs is still a titch below average in her math skills, but she is inching forward steadily. Slow and steady wins the race, right? She has a few things to work on - like following directions, but that wasn't a surprise to us. Connie's grades are good too. She also has some things to work on, none of which were a surprise to us. OK - I was a little irritated that one of the teacher comments was that Connie can't form her numbers all the way up to 100. I haven't seen any homework or teacher note that indicated writing numbers through 100 was something the kids were working on. So, we will just add that to the mix.
Jess seems to be doing well. From the picture she is painting to me, she is making new friends (and getting away from the crowd of kids she really shouldn't hang out with.) She is putting in a lot of community service hours. She is working on studying and developing study skills. She is making friends with the kids in the family she lives with (this is a major turning point in my opinion.) She is bonding with the adults in the house. She has started calling me with homework questions. She is talking about next year in Omaha instead of here in KC. Her texts to me have a chipper tone instead of doom and gloom. I try to let her know a couple of times each week how proud I am of her and how much I believe in her. If anyone wants to pass a message on to her, I would be happy to send it her way.
Devon started a job at Target this week! It is seasonal with the possibility of being long term if there is a slot open after the Holidays. Please take a moment to send out some good thoughts and prayers for her.

OK - I'm going to go carve at least one pumpkin with the kids who are here. I love you all. Peace and blessings - and look forward to some Halloween costume type pictures next time!!!
Amy & the gang at Owenland Park!
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