Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.

John's sister Jeanette came in for a visit last weekend. The boys (and Connie) made fast friends with her. Monday morning Jack was busy telling Jeannette all about the musical Into the Woods. (That is the show John just did at the Rep.) Jack spent a great deal of time detailing through the show and finally asked if we could just watch the movie. (I had borrowed the DVD from one of my colleagues.) We went downstairs to put in the movie and Jack turned to John and said "Daddy, can you leave us alone?" He wanted to sit downstairs with Jeanette.

We also had the good fortune and timing for a day visit from John's sister Sue and brother-in-law Steve while Jeanette was here. They brought remote control cars and dogs for all the kids. It was a remote control party here a the house. The kids could barely contain themselves with all these new toys. I finally had to banish all noise making toys to the upstairs so the adults could visit - and I'm usually not bothered by noisy toys. I think they did bring the boys some of the best presents they have ever gotten; 2 paint brushes. The boys tote these things around all over the place. Jack often sleeps with a paintbrush under his pillow.
Wy is obsessed with "Ring around the rosie." He runs around singing it all day long. Jack on the other hand is obsessed with Into The Woods. He is constantly singing or humming one of the songs. He asks to listen to the CD. He has been asking me about the DVD - I think we are going to have to buy the movie on line because I have already returned it to my friend.
I don't know about anyone else, but Jeanette and I had a lovely time. (I think we were the winners of the whole trip.) Poor John had to strike Into the Woods, so Jeanette and I left all the little kiddies with my folks and we went out for Thai. That was yummy. Then we scooted down to the Crown Center to get a sneak peek at the zombie show Maul of the Dead. We made super easy triple layer chocolate pie and chocolate chip 'ice cream' cookie sandwiches!

More updates soon,
love from Owenland Park
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