My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

DJ Jazzy Wy Guy & the Witch Doctor

The following are the musical stylings of Wyatt, which I am treated to on a daily basis

One, two, buckle my shoe.
Three, four, shut the door.
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, a big fat FISH! (Hysterical giggling)

Trick or treat!
Smell my feet!
Give me thumb-thing good to eat!
If you don't,
I don't care.
I'll pull down your unnerwear. (Hysterical giggling)

(To the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down)
Salt and pepper, salt and pepper
Salt and pepper
Salt and pepper
Salt and pepper, salt and pepper
SALT AND PEPPER - c'mon, Mommy!
Salt and pepper, salt and pepper
Salt and pepper
Salt and pepper
Salt and pepper, salt and pepper

Mom has down loaded a lot of songs as ringtones on her cell phone. One of them is The Witch Doctor. Wyatt is constantly demanding that he get to listen to the "boy who goes to ve doctor." He laughs and laughs when she plays the song and he tries to sing along but the chorus is so fast and tongue-twistery that its like listening to a crazed 3 year old budding rap artist.

Anyone want to be a Room Mother?

I signed up to be Jack's room mother this year. I was reluctant to do this because I was unsure about the amount of time I would need to commit to this but mostly because my schedule changes depending on whether I'm in rehearsal or performances. The lady in charge of room mothers assured me that being the Kinder room mother would be easy and I only had to plan for Valentine's Day and Christmas parties. I agreed to be the point person among the room parents. A few weeks ago I got an e-mail saying our first event was Oct 29 for Halloween and it was not to be a party because we don't want to overshadow that night's Trunk or Treat (all the parents decorate their cars, go to school and the kids can trick or treat from car to car in a safe environment.)

People, organizing this non-party has been ridiculous. As kinder parents, it is our first classroom event and we all want to do something special for the kids. This translates to the non-party becoming a party and that is a no-no. Late in our discussions, one of the parents reminded us that we have been asked to keep this from being a party. She was right. We had gotten a bit too big (not a lot too big, but a titch too big)in our planning but I wanted to pull my hair that this person a. hadn't said a word about anything previously and b. waited so long to say anything at all.

I took a breath and thanked her for reminding us about getting out of hand. After thinking it all over I said that I thought we could keep everything we were planning on as long as we kept scale in mind and made our snack, goody bag and craft simple, simple, simple. It just got more complicated from there. Someone suggested not doing the craft, someone else suggested not doing the goody bag, someone else suggested a different snack that would be less like a teat... Most parents had already purchased items and no one wanted to give up what they were contributing to the non-party. I felt like a failure and I finally had to say that I had no idea what to do because I wanted to include everyone. I wanted to abide by the teacher's wishes and I had invested too much emotional energy in a snack for my 5 year old. AND I had to say without being snotty. What I really wanted to say was "JUST DO IT AND KEEP IT SMALL! If you wanted to be the room mother then you should have signed up!!!"

Soccer is over

Jack's last game was last weekend. He didn't score, but John says he played a good game. He got one of those medals that coaches give out to all the kids, but that didn't matter to Jack - he got a medal and he is VERY proud of it. You can take a look at his last game by visiting our shutterfly account I can only put names to 2 of the faces on his team. Jack tells us that Emmitt and Noah are his friends so I made sure I can point them out.

Boys, it's time to go to the Dentist...

Our life is very crazy with getting everyone where they need to go when they need to be there - especially when we are all going in different directions and considering that Devon needs to be able to pick up kids and she doesn't have a car. This makes for frequent strategic planning to determine how we shift around who drives what car when because only one car is big enough to contain all the kids at once. This was the case recently when the boys had to get to the dentist in the morning. John and I split the kids between us, he took the girls to school then back tracked and took Jack to the dentist. I took Wy with me and we took mom to work then backtracked to meet J & J at the dentist. I actually thought this might be a nice few minutes to actually sit in the same room with my husband. Nay, nay, Renee. Jack was early for his appointment and the 8:00 kid was late. By the time Wy & I arrived, J & J were heading out the door. Boo. Jack was pleased though because he got to pick out 2 prizes after his visit with the dentist and he picked a paper/foam airplane thing. (His appointment went well.) Then it was Wy's turn. I couldn't believe how well he behaved with multiple strangers poking around in his mouth with things that buzzed and whirred - especially considering the 5 year old who was screaming and flailing every time the assistant started to tilt the chair back. Here is Wy brushing the kangaroo's teeth as we waited for the Dentist. (I know, I know - they are pics from my cell phone. I can't make them any larger.)

Jack's first field trip

To the Kansas City Pumpkin Patch! I went along as a driver/helper for the day.

You can check us out at There are 20 kids (7 boys and 13 girls: believe it or not, 3 of the girls are named Olivia) in Jack's class. This was my first opportunity to really meet his classmates. I was in charge of 4 kids but all the kids were everywhere and I was trying to start learning names. I asked one little girl her name and she put a hand on her hip and said to me "Um, you already asked me that." She might as well have said "Well you aren't the brightest bulb in the box." All I can say is she didn't even bother to learn my name and I was chasing down 20 names...Not fair! Not fair!!!

And who knew that 5 year olds are OBSESSED with vampires? I did not know this. The drive to this place was about 35 minutes and the 4 kids in my car talked about vampires non stop. They told vampire stories, they talked with Transylvanian accents, they told us about their vampire dreams. One young man kept telling us about the dream he had about the vampire in his underwear...

Anyway, it was a great day and I have managed to keep a few names (with their proper faces) in my head. And though I don't think any of the kids remembered my name, the remember me and wave and say hi when they see me in the hall way.

Today is black and orange day at school. The kids get to wear jeans if they wear something black or orange. The girls picked do rags and look like preppy thugs. Jack already had an orange shirt and pull over fleece jacket. He didn't want to wear either of them - I assume it is because we didn't run out and buy them band new last night...

Wish us luck, we have our first Parent/Teacher conference next week. I'm already putting too much emotional energy into stressing out for that.

Me and my Wy-Guy

It seems that whenever I ask Wy to smile for the camera, he grimaces like he is in pain...

Happy Birthday, Abby!

Abby's 10th birthday was Sunday. She asked for spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Mom made up a delicious batch of meatballs. John made up some super yummy garlic bread and somehow it felt like my birthday. (I didn't have to do anything!)

I have a theory: I think there should be more cake and ice cream in the world. (The girls didn't have much time for grumbling at each other once the cake was on the table.) Now my problem with this theory is that if there WERE more cake in the world then I would be eating it...

Abby scored a purse, press on nails, perfume, glittery jeans and a lovely flowery purple top with sequins. She also scored a mini Simon Says game which I'm sure is going to drive us all INSANE in the next few days with all that beeping and buzzing...



Since Jack began his reading and writing journey, he has become obsessed with lists. This I understand as I am obsessed with lists. Jack's lists however are lists of trains. He writes their names over and over - and over and over. He calls it his homework. He is actually doing a great job of guessing what letters make up the trains' names. When he goes to the grocery store with me, he wants to take a long a notebook and a pen (NOT a pencil) so he can work on his lists. I have little plastic trays in the car that he likes to rest on his lap so he can write on a desk like surface.

Wy blew me away the other day. He wanted to do some homework and I gave him a book of simple mazes. He BLEW through pages of these mazes and with the exception of having the penmanship of a 3 year old - he was SPOT ON. Crazy. I'm going to have to step up his homework.

Oh Great Pumpkin!

The boys helped to design our pumpkin.

OK - Jack helped design the pumpkin. Any time anyone drew anything, Wyatt would declare "I WIKE IT!"

I like cutting up the pumpkin.

I just forgot how much I don't like cleaning OUT the pumpkin.

And Wy declared "WOW! It's ve coolest pumpkin I ever wanted!"

Little Scottish Warriors

On Wednesday Jack participated in a soccer clinic at Bishop Miege this week. 375 K-8th graders divided into about 8 groups and managed by about 15 high school students total - oh and there was a guy on a microphone sitting in the announcer's booth. He blew the whistle when it was time to change stations. It was controlled chaos. Mr. Announcer even said it looked "like the personification of actually herding cats."

Saturday afternoon I was sitting at my desk mutli-tasking (working on Alexander paperwork while preparing to run a performance of Science Fiction) when John texted me that Jack had just scored a goal at his game! "WOO-WHO!!!" I texted back.

Then John texted me the following:
"There is a smaller boy on the blue team - with curly light brown hair. EVERY time the ball is put back into play, he rears his head back and forces out a crazy head shaking screachy scream - he makes me think of a Scottish warrior with a yell as an intimidatin tactic."

This made me think - Did this kid's dad pull him aside and say "Now listen, Timmy, here's what you do..."

Stars and Smiley Faces

When John and I attended Back-To-School-Night a few weeks ago, I signed up to be one of the teacher’s helpers. This meant I would volunteer to prep projects for 20 kindergarten students by cutting things up/out, gathering some craft supplies, ‘grading’ some papers, etc. I hadn’t heard anything from Jack’s teacher about helping out until a few days ago when Mrs. G. sent a fat black bag home with Jack. The bag was full of papers with a note explaining how to grade them. I was to check that capital letters were capital letters, make sure children matched upper and lower case letters correctly and that they had glued pictures in the proper places. I was to put a smiley face or a star on EVERY paper, even if the child missed everything on the page. No problem and kinda fun - except when someone missed a lot and I had to cheerfully write "Keep trying!" at the top of their paper. Anyway, in the middle of ‘grading’ these papers Jess came in and asked me what I was doing.

"Grading papers." I said.
"For who?" She aksed.
"Mrs. G." I replied.
"Um, is that LEGAL?" She asked indignantly.
"Yes." I said.
"Is she going to get fired for having you do that?" She asked.
"It's not like I'm grading graduate essays on quantitative easing, Jess. I'm correcting capital letters."
She looked at me blankly. (I threw her with that bit about quantitative easing!!!)

My ethical dilema occured when I had to grade Jack's papers. Fortunatley I am an honest person and even more fortunate for me, Jack did all his assignments correctly. I gave him big purple smiley faces!

Ant Melanie

We were driving home the other night when John said something to the boys about their "Aunt Melanie". Very indignant, Wy piped up from the back seat "She is NOT A BWACK ANT! And she is not a bwue ant! Or a brown ant or a orange ant or a green ant or a red ant. SHE IS NOT A ANT, DADDY!"

I texted Mel to let her know Wy was sticking up for her rights. She told me to tell him thanks, which I did. He replied by insisting I hand over my cell phone. He leaned very close to the screen and yelled "You are welcome, Mewanie."

The pole

This is the pole. This is the pole my children run into at school. Connie has run into it three times since she came to JP2. The last time she ran into the pole, she ran into so hard that mom took her to the Urgent Clinic to make sure she didn't have a concussion.
Jack ran into this pole last week. He had such an egg on his head that the nurse called me to warn me about it. She must have thought I was getting upset as she kept telling me he was ok. I finally had to tell her I was fine and was desperately trying not to laugh. She then told me Jack was quite put out with her. He kept telling her "You are going to make me miss my recess!" She insisted on his staying with her though to make sure he was fine.
Later that same evening mom and I attended a school auction meeting. The principal was there and I asked her if other children ran into this pole or was it just our kids? I told her I wasn't gunning to have a pole removed from school grounds, I was just trying to determine if mine were the only kids who kept running into a pole in the middle of NOWHERE. I'm not sure she believed me about wanting the pole removed.

Go, dog! Go!

Jack is slowly learning how to read. His class has words they work on every day. At home we have Jack read Dr. Suess' Go, dog! Go! to Wyatt each night. He is doing a great job and Wy likes for his "bruhver Jackie" to read to him.

Devlyn's 5th Birthday!

Devlyn turned 5 last week. We tried to get everyone around the table at once, but it just didn't shake down. First we were waiting for John to get home from work, then Devon had to take Abby to Girl Scouts, then Mom & I had a meeting for the upcoming school auction... Devlyn wasn't too bothered by it. She was excited because she had asked for Dogs in a Sweater for dinner (you put a hot dog on a popcicle stick and wrap a breadstick around it, then bake them up) and she had a beautiful cake. Happy Birthday, Devlyn!

For a few more pictures from Devlyn's birthday, go to

Love and blessings,
Amy & the gang


I had the boys with me at the grocery last night. I always put Wy in a cart and push him. I usually let Jack push a cart behind me. He sometimes lags behind. When I tell him to catch up with me he likes to run full tilt boogie down the aisle. This generally results in the cart crashing into my body and inflicting injuries upon my ankles, knees or hips. Last night I told him to catch up and I said "DON'T YOU DARE CRASH INTO ME THIS TIME." He came barreling down the aisle and skidded to a stop about a foot away from me. Cool as a cucumber he says "Well...I guess vat means I have my license to drive a cart, Mommy."

Wy is learning to "frow" a football. He says you put your fingers on the white line and you has to wear Sketchers shoes to "frow" the ball far.

I'm still having a lot of trouble getting Wy to care about/be interested in using the toilet instead of his pants. He loves to get chocolates if he uses the bathroom, but it isn't such a big reward that he will stop what he is doing to GO to the bathroom. We have recently started throwing cheeri-os into the toilet for target practice. He really likes this but I'm not sure it's beg enough fun to cinch the deal.

The boys like to grab their noses and sayd "one-my-mormis, two-my-mormis....ten-my-mormis" all the while giggling hysterically. I have no idea what this means or where it comes from. They do sound funny though.


Jess went to her first two dates over the weekend (same fella). I don't know anything about date number 1 on Friday, but Saturday was Homecoming. This young man (I am horrible and can't remember his name...)and his mama made a beautiful wrist corsage for Jess. And, when the evening was over, he showed her how she could snip off the flowers and continue to wear the bracelet. I was pretty disappointed that I didn't get to see them. They headed out about 15 minutes before I got home from my matinee.