Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
I had the boys with me at the grocery last night. I always put Wy in a cart and push him. I usually let Jack push a cart behind me. He sometimes lags behind. When I tell him to catch up with me he likes to run full tilt boogie down the aisle. This generally results in the cart crashing into my body and inflicting injuries upon my ankles, knees or hips. Last night I told him to catch up and I said "DON'T YOU DARE CRASH INTO ME THIS TIME." He came barreling down the aisle and skidded to a stop about a foot away from me. Cool as a cucumber he says "Well...I guess vat means I have my license to drive a cart, Mommy."

Wy is learning to "frow" a football. He says you put your fingers on the white line and you
has to wear
Sketchers shoes to "frow" the ball far.
I'm still having a lot of trouble getting Wy to care about/be interested in using the toilet instead of his pants. He loves to get chocolates if he uses the bathroom, but it isn't such a big reward that he will stop what he is doing to GO to the bathroom. We have recently started throwing cheeri-os into the toilet for target practice. He really likes this but I'm not sure it's beg enough fun to cinch the deal.
The boys like to grab their noses and sayd "one-my-mormis, two-my-mormis....ten-my-mormis" all the while giggling hysterically. I have no idea what this means or where it comes from. They do sound funny though.
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