Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
Our life is very crazy with getting everyone where they need to go when they need to be there - especially when we are all going in different directions and considering that Devon needs to be able to pick up kids and she doesn't have a car. This makes for frequent strategic planning to determine how we shift around who drives what car when because only one car is big enough to contain all the kids at once. This was the case recently when the boys had to get to the dentist in the morning. John and I split the kids between us, he took the girls to school then back tracked and took Jack to the dentist. I took Wy with me and we took mom to work then backtracked to meet J & J at the dentist. I actually thought this might be a nice few minutes to actually sit in the same room with my husband. Nay, nay, Renee. Jack was early for his appointment and the 8:00 kid was late. By the time Wy & I arrived, J & J were heading out the door. Boo. Jack was pleased though because he got to pick out 2 prizes after his visit with the dentist and he picked a paper/foam airplane thing. (His appointment went well.) Then it was Wy's turn. I couldn't believe how well he behaved with multiple strangers poking around in his mouth with things that buzzed and whirred - especially considering the 5 year old who was screaming and flailing every time the assistant started to tilt the chair back. Here is Wy brushing the kangaroo's teeth as we waited for the Dentist. (I know, I know - they are pics from my cell phone. I can't make them any larger.)
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