Wy has taken to pouting. When he is upset with life he stomps his foot, throws his arms tight around himself and makes a "HMPH!" as loud as he can. If he doesn't get whatever reaction he is hoping for, he raises his elbows, slams them down on his chest and makes a mad "HMPH!" And if he gets sent to his room for being naughty he stomps, flaps and "HMPH!"s his way up each and every step.
One morning this week he was sent to his room where he stomped and "HMPH!"ed for I don't know how long before he yelled "I HATE MOMMY AND DADDY!" I quietly went to his room and told him he had hurt my feelings and that I would never say that to him. Then I went back to getting ready for the day and forgot all about it. A few hours later we were heading home from some errand and out of nowhere Wy said "I'm sorry I hurt your feewings, Mommy." I tried to tell him thank you and how proud I was of him right then but he just barrelled on talking about what we ate for dinner the day we had Noah's birthday party over the summer and how he wants "have vat dinner again, PWEATHE!!!" . I could not have told you what we ate that day if my life had depended on it, but Wy rattled off the whole blessed menu...
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