I know, I know - it has been too long. There is a lot that has happened around Owenland Park in the last few weeks. Where to begin? A friend of Devon's gave her a car a few weeks ago. That's right - gave her a car. This helped move up the date for the girls to move back in with their mom. And so, days before the semester ended, the girls got the best Christmas present ever - to be living with their mom! The house is much queiter - that is taking some getting used to.
The boys and I went to the Children's mass late in the afternoon on Christmas Eve. We came home to a wonderful dinner. Mom made a lovely spinach, bacon and feta salad. John cooked up beautiful steaks and potatoes - it was yummy! Then we made cookies for Santa and took the boys outside to spread Magic Reindeer Food in the front yard. This food attracts the reindeer from hundreds of miles away so you have to sprinkle it and get in bed fast! John poured some into each of the boy's hands - Jack crossed out into the yard to spread his around, but Wy just dropped it on the walk way, brushed his hands and declared "We're done!" then he headed into the house.
Christmas was a bit of a gift giving marathon this year. The boys had us up early taking care of stockings. I made everyone take a break after that while I fixed pancakes and BACON!!! Then we took care of the Abels/Owen gift exchange and let the boys build a wonderful gingerbread train from Jeanne & Johanna. Then it was lunch when Devon and the girls came over, presents with them followed by a lovely ham dinner. Sunday brought Melanie and her crew. We went to mass, had Chinese for lunch and more presents. The afternoon brought John's sister Sue, her husband Steve and their young friend - and more presents! It really was a lot of fun and spread things out over lovely meals and conversations.
You can look through our Christmas celebrations if you head on over to Shutterfly by following this link http://owenlandparkproductions.shutterfly.com/ and then clicking on the December 2010 album.
I know this one is pretty short and impersonal, but I'm actually supposed to be running a rehearsal...Don't' tell my boss, OK?
Love and blessings to everyone! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Words to live by
If it is to be, it is up to me.
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