John was on the receiving end of a hot wheels looped track type thing at the shop's holiday gift exchange. A shop full of fellas and not one of them could figure out how to get the car to make it the whole way around the vertical loop. John brought this thing home to the kids and he swears they only had it 3 minutes when he heard Jack yell "WYATT! Look what this can do!" I have requested that John inform the fellas in the shop they were outsmarted by our 5 year old in a matter of minutes.
The boys have been fighting off some sinus troubles the last few weeks. Whenever Wy sneezes, great big globs of ooey-gooey green stuff streak down his face. He starts yelling "SNOT! SNOT! SNOT!" It sounds like he is the captain of a submarine yelling orders to the crew "DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!"
Jack has not had school the last two days due to all this beautiful snow. Monday morning he came in and asked if he could cuddle me up for a little bit. I'm always up for a good cuddle so I just lifted the blanket for him to crawl into bed with me. We did have a lovely cuddle up until Daddy got up and moving around. Jack whispered in my ear "Can I go downstairs wiff Daddy?" "Sure" I said. He hopped up and scampered out of the room. He quickly came back, touched my cheek and said "I still love you, you know." He was so gentle when he told me that I knew he didn't want me to think he didn't love me. He just wanted to go play.
We were at dinner the other night and Wyatt kept making himself burp and then say "Paw-gize". I finally started counting him for it. He earned himself a time out and howled and cried when I carried him upstairs because he refused to head up on his own. I set him down in his room and turned to leave when he made a loud "UH!" I continued out of the room and he made a louder "UH!" I started heading down the stairs and he made another very loud "UH!" followed by "I am frowing fits! UUHH!"
Wy is now obsessed with crawling up on the kitchen counters. I caught him up there messing with the pens the other morning, giggling hysterically.
And here they are enjoying an ice cream treat. Wy insisted that his face was "NOT DIRTY!" I had to take a picture to prove otherwise. (One half second after I took this picture, Wy took a swipe at Jack's ice cream with his tongue. Jack was pretty fast though and Wy only managed to lick air!)
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