Jack was inconsolable about my not letting him mop the floor and after a rather dramatic "I NEVER GET TO MOP THE FLOOR!" he threw himself on the kitchen floor and pouted. (I had just let him mop the living room floor but he wanted to do the kitchen but I was cooking and I have tried mopping the kitchen floor after he mops but he gets very offended...) Anyway - nothing would cheer him up. He didn't want to go for a walk. He didn't want to watch a movie. He didn't want popcorn or pudding. He didn't want to play a game. I finally sat down with him in the kitchen and called John in. I told him to get down the markers and made a 'talking' fist at him. Here is his creation. Now, I'm not very good at making up stories, but Mom and the boys have a series of stories about two little boys Puddle and Muddle, so I asked Mom to come in and tell one of their stories while Hannah the hand puppet worked her magic. I had to tell Ma to hurry it up as Hannah started cramping hard core. My little ploy worked though - Jack was smiling and giggling until the story was over, then he went back to pouting. You can't win every match, huh?

Jack to Wyatt: Wyatt, I'm sorry I accidentally smashed your fingers, on purpose.
John was using the sawzall the other evening. Wy came up to me with his hands clamped over his ears and said "Daddy is making a pretty noise!" Then when John was done, Wy asked him "Daddy, what was that beautiful thing?"

John pulled his power drill out recently for some project and set it in the kitchen for a few days. I walked in one afternoon and found Father/Son matching drills, which made me smile. Though it does look like we might have a DeWalt/Black & Decker war starting soon. Throw in a Makita and things will really start to heat up!
Jack wants to be a painting artist, a gluing artist and a cutting artist. He would also like to be a teaching artist and teach kids how to do science.
Jack has recently taken charge of conversation at the dinner table. When he is ready to take charge, he interrupts whatever conversation is already going on with a very grown up "Mommy, tell me all about your day. What happened?" He listens very attentively to each of us and sometimes asks questions. I nearly lost it one evening when he said "Vat's interesting. Now, Daddy, tell me about your day, please."
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