My power steering went out the next day so on Monday John took my car in to the shop. When Wy and I picked up John Wy exclaimed "Mommy! Daddy! I can see the Eiffel Tower!"
My car wasn't going to be ready until Tuesday morning so I borrowed Mom's car and took her to Work Tuesday and John took the boys to day care. I was on the highway when I got a terrifying phone call from John. I could hear Wyatt screaming in the background and a woman saying "Keep him still". John couldn't hear me over all the commotion and finally told me I needed to get to the sitter's house immediately. Of course the section of highway I was on is under construction with no exit from 103rd to 75th street and it was the morning rush hour...
When I finally made it to the sitter's there were 2 fire trucks, 2 ambulances and 3 cop cars surrounding her house. Paramedics were telling me they needed to take John to Overland Park regional because they were worried about his seriously low blood pressure and they needed to take Wyatt to Children's Mercy downtown. I knew I was going with Wyatt but I froze in a logistical nightmare of cars (mine was in the show and now we were leaving both John's truck and my mom's car at the sitter's house) and what I was going to do about the 11:00 show that morning. There was a nice lady who said "Why don't we get your things so you can go with your son?" So that's what we did. Another paramedic stopped me before getting into the ambulance to talk to me about how Wyatt needed me and would react based on my reactions so he needed me to keep cool. Now I'm completely freaked out because I still have no idea what has happened. The EMTs helped me into the ambulance and Wy was velcroed within an inch of his life to a board and gurney. The ladies in the ambulance explained Wyatt had been backed over by a car and that shortly after the emergency team arrived John's blood pressure took a nose dive.
I could go on and on about everything but to give a quick summary: another mother was leaving the day care and backing her car out. John had Jack's hand and Wy was between them. They were trying to walk away from the car but it bumped John and then backed over Wyatt.
John convinced the EMTs he did not need to go to the hospital so they hung out with him until his BP was stable. Wy has 2 broken collar bones, a fractured rib on the right, a tiny puncture in the right lung (which has probably closed up by now), a little bit of air in the intestine (which worked its way out), road rash on his left ear, left lower back, left calf and a huge horrible wound on his right knee. The medical team decided the knee needed to be treated as a 3rd degree burn since there was no skin left to close the wound. The E.R. kept us over night to monitor the lung, intestine and knee. (This is a picture I took of Wy and I cuddling in the hospital bed. He was upset and even after meds couldn't settle down so I slipped in behind him and he went right to sleep.)

We saw the burn unit the next morning and they said the knee was bad enough we could stay a 2nd night, which we did. The following morning the ladies in the burn unit showed John and I how to care for Wy's knee and we were discharged on Thursday.
Things were going OK at home but cleaning the knee was very upsetting to everyone. By Sunday night John and I just weren't sure we were doing it properly and called the burn unit who asked us to come in the following afternoon. They told us were were taking care of the knee properly but that the tissue that needed to come (escar) out was too thick so they were going to have to do it in the hospital. After an out patient treatment they let us know they were going to have to remove the escar in surgery and do a skin graft.

Wednesday was a long day of waiting. The surgical burn team had a patient already scheduled on Wednesday and it was a situation that could take 2 hours or 4 hours. I think it was the kid in the room next to ours and that child was gone all day. I thought for sure we were going to be bumped to Thursday but at 6:00 a few nurses came in to say they were going to take Wy to the O.R. in the next 5 minutes. Wow! Wy got in for surgery Wednesday evening around 7 and was in recovery longer than he was in surgery! The Dr's did a full thickness skin graft from the groin (they removed an entire section of skin instead of scraping off the top few layers), stitched everything up and put Wy in a splint from his upper thigh to his toes. They also sent us home with a walker as he isn't supposed to put any weight on his right leg until we get the OK at his follow up next week. The next morning he looked at his nurse and said "Did you know I got runned over by a car?"
The nurses told me they were happy Wy was healing but they wanted to keep him around for a little bit longer. He is definitely a favorite and one they will miss.
When we got home and settled in Jack wanted to be as helpful as possible. He walked up to Wyatt and said "Wyatt, I will get any toy you want and bring it to you. I will do anything you want." He paused for a moment "But I won't pull down my pants and my underwear and show you my butt." This was said in all seriousness - as if he were just laying down his boundaries.
John and Wy were talking later that night and Wyatt said "Daddy, my bones are pretty strong, right?" John said "Yes, they are buddy." Wyatt thought for a second then said "But not when they get runned over by a car, right, Daddy?" "That's right, buddy." John said.
Wyatt asks everyone who comes to visit "Did you know I got runned over by a car?"
We have a follow up appointment for the collar bones and rib on Tuesday then we are back again on Thursday for a follow up on the knee.
I'm grateful Wy is safe and all of his injuries will heal. I'm grateful for the concern, prayers, love and support from my friends and family. I'm also grateful for the incredible spirit that lives in my unstoppable boy.
I'm sure I missed things you want to know - post a query and I will fill in the details. I will keep you posted as we head down the healing highway.
Love and blessings,
amy & the gang.
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