Jack calls me "Mama" now. It makes me sad that he isn't calling me "Mommy" but the way he calls me "Mama" is so very sweet. Now Wyatt is also calling me "Mama". It is too soon for me to not be Mommy anymore!!!! I asked Jack a few days ago if he would sometimes call me Mommy. He looked at me and said "Ok...Mama." STINKER!!!
Wyatt now likes to give me Monkey kisses. I opt for Monkey air kisses...
I have been in rehearsals the past three weeks. Since I don't get home till after the boys are in bed, I have been taking advantage of my morning time at home with Wyatt to have some special time with him. We have been having wii time each morning. We have had lunch time picnics on the kitchen floor. We have spent some cuddle time together and we have deep conversations while I massage his leg. We talk about things like cars and trucks, trains and dogs, Super Mario Brothers and how to jump on the bad guys to beat them. (He is trying to help me with my game.) As much as I like our private time in the mornings, I will be glad to get back to being at home in the evenings next week.
What else is new? Jack has started another season of soccer.
He has also joined the Boy Scouts and is now an official Bobcat. John has signed on as the Den Leader so I will let you all know when the popcorn sales begin (think 2 days!)
The school auction is right around the corner, so if you want to buy a ticket to the auction (I am in charge of the miscellaneous committee) or if you want to buy a raffle ticket for the car that is being raffled off, drop me a line! We have also started the student's first fundraiser of the year. They are selling chocolates and wrapping paper through a company called Innisbrook. Needless to say, we are up to our eyeballs in selling things. E-mail, call or facebook me if you are interested in contributing to the fundraising efforts!
Lastly - for anyone who wants to see a bit of a weekly progression on Wy's leg in pictures - you can look to the sidebar on the left of the screen and click on shutterfly under linky dinks. Wy's pictures are in the album "Wy runned over by a car."
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