My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Fidget McGee

Jack has a certain stillness to him. Not Wyatt. He is a fidgeter. It is nearly impossible for him to be still. He is in constant motion. I do not think he has ADD or ADHD, he is just a mover. This attribute is compounded when he needs to visit the facilities. I am amazed that John never picked up on it but Wy will start a little squirmy wiggle when he has to go to the bathroom. Like most kids, he often needs to be told to go to the restroom. I think that HE thinks something incredibly fun is going to happen the minute he closes the door and he doesn't want to be the kid who missed all the cool stuff.

My little Fidget McGee also has a hard go of it at bed time. Trying to settle down enough to allow his body and mind to drift off to sleep is a long hard process for this boy. There are times I wonder what is going on in his head or his muscles that keeps him fidgeting so. I don't say that he tosses and is more like shifting or adjusting: like there is something in his brain that says if he is awake he must be moving. I have recently taken to whispering to him "Tell your mind to slow down." He whispers "Slow down, mind." Then I tell him "Tell your body to settle down." And he tells his body to settle down. I think this is helping him as I have noticed him start to down shift into a lower fidget gear. Though he continues to fidget until the moment he drifts off to sleep. I think I should say 'drops off' because that is basically what happens. I know the second that child has fallen asleep - it is like someone has turned his power off and he literally becomes motionless mid-fidget.