My favorite quote

"I just wanted to tell you that your kids are the ONLY reason I will have kids when I'm older..."
Helen. 7/24/09

Words to live by

If it is to be, it is up to me.


Two of the actors in the Spring Awakening have been itching to go to Legoland. They recently discovered that you cannot go in without children and so they asked to borrow my kids for an extended afternoon play date. Though the boys only know one of these actors they were both dying to go to Legoland and quickly said yes to the deal. Jack and Will spent a good portion of the afternoon building lego cars for various races. Wyatt spent his time racing around the play area ignoring Carline (Wy calls her Carolon) while she build a big pink leggo house. Both boys agree that the best part of the afternoon was shooting trolls' rocks with silver guns. (I didn't know shooting trolls or their rocks was a lego activity...). When Will & Carolon brought the boys home my guys barely had time to say "Thank you" but they sure were quick to say "We'll see you tomorrow when you come back to take us to SeaLife!" You should have seen the look of surprise on their faces - no one had discussed SeaLife.

I am a proud Mama because Will & Caroline said both the boys behaved and were very well mannered! I'm doing something right!