Jack's school participated in the Heart Association's recent fundraiser - Jump Rope for Heart. As of yesterday afternoon at event time, the school had rasied over 5,000 for the organization! Go kids!
Participating kids were divided up into groups and Jack was on the Blue Camero team.
JTO during one of the jump rope activities.
And, Little Man won a prize for participation! He picked out a brand new jump rope so he "can keep healthy at home."
Jumpin rope to keep his heart healthy and to earn the donations he gathered! Go get 'em!
I can't figure out how to post the video of the kids warming up to YMCA. Jack has told me before "I. Don't. Dance." After a while watching the other kids get their silly on, Jack joined in the fun. If I can get it figured out, I will post the video but right now something isn't cooperating.
Do not fall for these big blue eyes and blank/bored expression with the hint of accusation accompanied by "Can I please play on your phone if I can't leave while Jack is jumping?"
Wy is too young to participate in Jump Rope for Heart. I had volunteered to be a parent helper and so I couldn't leave. Unfortunately this meant Wy was condemned to an entire hour of BOREDOM in the gym.
I caved and gave him my phone.
After I got my phone back, I couldn't find my contacts for 20 minutes.
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