Little Stephen has had some nasty ear infections and while the various rounds of antibiotics have cleared up the infection, there is still fluid in his ears. His ENT has recommended tubes and that will be happening late next week. In the meantime the poor kid just has a hard time sleeping at night. Monday night was rather difficult for the little guy. He just kept waking up and was not able to settle down. Mom and I gave him some Tylenol to help him selttle enough to get back to sleep.
I usually sit with him in the rocking chair in his room on his more difficult nights but I was uncomfortable and opted for a more comfy chair and a blanket in the boys’ room. I thought Stephen had finally dropped off into a deep sleep and was thinking about moving him back to his crib when he woke up wailing. Jack sat straight up in bed and immediately started crooning to little Stephen “Don’t cry. No, don’t cry.” Stephen started looking for Jack so we went and sat on his bed. Jack started petting Stephen's hair and his arm.
My Mom has made up a little song for each of the kids when they were babies. She sings Stephen’s little song all the time so I nearly started to cry when Jack started to sing it to him there in the dark “Stephen, Stephen, Oh what a lovely boy you are. Stephen, Stephen, I know that you will go far!” After a few times through Stephen stopped crying and Jack laid down but Stephen wanted to hold onto Jack’s hand for a bit. It was all I could do to keep quiet as I started choking up from all the sweetness. We stayed there till Stephen was out and I slipped him back into his crib.
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