There have been a few glitches since I tried putting photos into a zip file, so I thought I would try an actual blog. Let's see house this goes:
It has been a super fast week for us in Owenland Park. Aunt Beth (who watches the boys) has been battling pneumonia the last two weeks so we have come up with some alternate day care plans. The boys have been very flexible about the whole thing, but they miss their "Beff". Almost every time we get into the car Jackson says "We go Beff's house?!" and I have to explain that we can't go see Beth because she is sick. A few days ago we went through this exchange again and Jack responded with "Oh, Mommy, I'm so sorry!"
Jack actually says "I'm sorry" to just about everything.
"Hey, Jack, let's get some lunch." "Oh, I'm sorry."
"Jack, do you want to watch your movie?" "Oh, I'm sorry."
"It's time to go bye-bye" "Oh, I'm so sorry."
"Do you have to go potty?" "Oh, I'm sorry."
We are making some progress in the potty training front. Jack doens't go under his own initiative but we are no longer duking it out in the mornings. Jack likes to get in bed with us around 3 or 4 in the morning. I have started telling him to go make water first. Off he goes - without any fuss! - and takes care of his business ALL BY HIMSELF. I have tried not to overdo it, but to tell him I was impressed with how grown up he has become.
Wyatt is sleeping through the night! We weened 3 weeks ago and it actually went very well for both of us. I thought I was going to be an emotional mess about it, but I came through with flying colors (at least in my opinion.) Wyatt didn't seem too traumatized. We just sort of dropped feedings to 1 or 2 a day and then it was once every other day and then we were done.
I think you all know by now that my folks bought a hot tub. It is incredible. Jack hasn't quite turned in his opinion about the hot tub of it all. Mostly he just wants to put on his swim suit, stand on the steps outide the tub and splash the water with his hands. Wyatt on the other hand is in LOVE with the hot tub. He has a floaty that we let him sit in and he just kicks back like he is ready for a beer. He finds it very relaxing.
He is also determined to head down the steps like a grown up. Anytime I am near while he is heading down the stairs he will stop and wait for me to take his hands so he can go down them standing up.
AND he is a little stinker if ever I met one. For the longest time he would not go to my mom. He wouldn't let her hold him or even touch him. I told her not to make a big deal of it and he would grow out of it. Well, it took months, but now he will go to her. His new thing is to not give me kisses. He flat out refuses to give me a kiss. He will bend himself around to avoid giving me a kiss. As soon as I hand him to someone else though, it is kiss, kiss, kiss. He knows. He knows. I'm trying to take my own advice and not make a big deal about it.
All right friends, I'm going to get moving. The photo of Jack was taken after he fell asleep at the computer desk playing his Thomas game.
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