Hello friends! It has been quite a week. We started the week off by going to St. Jospeh for Noah's first birthday party! Happy Birthday, Noah!!!
The boys and I are really enjoying my vacation. We spent the day at the zoo with Melanie and
Noah. Jack was most impressed with the fact
that we rode the train. (I think he is ready for
a trip to Baldwin City. They have a fully
functional Thomas the Tank Engine that folks
can ride. Jack will be in hog heaven!) All the
boys were entranced by the otters. Other than
that, they thought the zoo was ok. Shortly
before we left Jack looked up at me and said
"Jackson's so happy!"
Jack loves to play his games on the computer but is very good about sharing the thing with mommy & daddy. He always asks to sit on my lap when I'm at the computer. "Mommy, sit on mine yap?" This I think is an attempt to get mommy out of her e-mail and into Thomas episodes on youtube. He also asks to watch "a jungle song?" There is a little animated video on youtube that features a hippo and a dog singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight." The boys LOVE this video. We watch it a few times every day. (Particularly if I need to redirect their attention!)
Both Jack and Wy got their hair cut this week. I pulled out the nippers and shaved it off. Wy looks a lot more like Jack now. The hair cut didn't change the fact that he is the more ornery of the two.
He is determined to do things on his own. We have a little walk along 'car' that he loves to sit on. He just wants to get on it, sit there, bounce and get off of it all by himself. He says "Mama" but really only when he is upset and/or desperate for something. He is very good with his nonverbal communication though. He simply starts patting me rather forcefully if he needs/wants something to eat, drink, a clean diaper or if he is ready for his nap. I am trying to get him to understand that we don't hit each other but he doesn't care. As far as he is concerned, his method gets him what he wants.
Jack is growing, growing, growing. He has passed his old carseat off to Wyatt and is now in one with just a lapbelt. He gets quite upset if we try to buckle him in. As soon as I reach for the belt he starts in with "Can I try?" He is getting very good at buckling himself in. We have occassional arguments about who gets to unbuckle the seatbelt and that the chest strap has to go across his chest not under both of his arms.
OK people, this has been one of the most difficult things I have ever put together. I know there has to be an eaiser way to drop in pictures and text, but it was tres difficile...pour moi! (pun intended!) I do intend to keep up with the blog - so keep your eyes open!
Good night, friends. God bless you all with a safe and happy weekend.
love, love, love,
a, j, j & y
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