This is usually a place for fun, but today I have a personal request: Please take a minute to say a prayer for my dear Gran who is suffering. She is working so hard to get where she needs to go. I pray that the saints and angels are in the trenches with her and guiding the way. Her prayer has been for a happy death and a state of grace.
We were at church recently and it was time to give the Sign of Peace. Jack didn't want to shake my hand. I kissed his forehead and went turned to my neighbor, Tom. (He and his wife Betsey sit behind us at church.) I heard Jack say "No, mommy, bones." I looked at him and he had his little fist offered out to me. So I made a fist and tapped his knuckles with mine. We did bones instead of Peace. Tom asked for bones and Jack just ignored him.
This last week Jack has been freaking out about sharks. I'm not sure what started the shark business, but it is some serious business. Jack tells me all about how sharks are scarey and they are scared too. They also scream in the water. Early in the week, John caught a mouse in the kitchen. He tried to show it to Jack, who flipped out screaming that it was a shark. John took Jack and their little captive outside and set the mouse free. Now Jack wants to find the mouse when we go outside.
He loves to sing to himself. All the time I hear him singing the songs I sing to him. My favorite is when he sings "Gordon workin on a railroad. All a live long day. Gordon workin on a railroad. Us a pass a time away! Gordon hears a whistle bwowin! Rise up so early in the morrrrrn! Gordon hears a whistle bwo
(Here the boys are just hanging out at the park earlier in the week.)
He also has his own favorite sound. Out of the middle of nowhere and semmingly for no reason at all he utters "ga-duck-a-duck-a-duck-a-duck-a-duck-a-duck-a-duck!" John and I can't figure out what it means or what triggers the noise. It is just a sound Jack likes to make.
Jack is fond of giving kisses. He has his own way of kissing though. If I ask him for a kiss, he still offers me his forehead first. I then have to say "No, you kiss me, please" and tap my cheeck. Then he will lean in for the kiss, make a "tch" sound and then press his lips to my cheeck.
Wyatt has also come to his own unique method of kisses for mommy. He has finally decided that he can give me a kiss without actually having to remove his beloved pacifier from his mouth. He was so proud of this discovery that I was the beneficiary of a 5 minute "Kisses from Wyatt" marathon. Kiss, kiss, grin, giggle, kiss, kiss, clap, bounce. It was delightful!
Poor Wy had a diaper rash that just wouldn't go away. We have a great cream that usually knocks it out overnight. Of course it started Wednesday and it was Friday when I started to worry. The poor guy was just having some rashy troubles down there. In desperation we picked up some over the counter diaper rash stuff, but as I already knew, it didn't do anything. I got ahold of the nurse on Monday and she said it sounded like yeast and sent me off to pick up lotramin a.f. I couldn't find it and couldn't find it. How was I to know it was to be found in the anti-fungal foot cream section of the pharmacy. Well, Miss Nurse was right. This stuff has helped that little guy out almost on contact. The more amazing stuff though, came from a jar of stuff prescribed to Gran. My Aunt Mary recommended we use this stuff and the problem was gone the next time I changed that boys' diaper. AMAZING!!!
Wow - I see this is a long one, but it was a jam packed week! I'll hit a few other highlights...Wy can drink through a straw! Jack held out one of my water bottles to Wy and I said he couldn't drink through a straw. Jack said "uh-huh." I looked over and Wy was virtually chugging the water through the straw. Wy is IN LOVE with the recycling bin. His favorite activity is to pull something out of the trash to play with. He also likes to use the mop bucket as a tote of storts - you know, for the trash he pulls out of the recycling bin. I call Wy "Mr. Naughty" because he is always up to his eyeballs in something mischevious. Today I heard Jack call Wy "Mr. Naughty." I looked over my shoulder to see Jack trying to steer Wy away from my plants.
I took Jack for his first outside of the yard ride on his tricycle. He was in heaven! We had
I told the boys I was taking them to the park where we could ride Jack's trike and go on the slides. Jack was so excited, he ran around getting his shoes and sippy cup. He ran over to the door and hollered "Hey mommy, Jack's in a hurry!"
And, Wy really wants to help out when we are getting out of the car. He understands how his seatbelt works and as soon as I reach in for him he starts touching the red button that will release his restraints. I am not worried as you really have to push to get this thing to release.
OK - Thank you all for sharing some time with this family, whether it be in time spent reading about our adventures, your thoughts or your prayers. God bless you all and we will see you again next week.
a, j, j & y
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