Conversation 1:
Mommy: Jack, I will put you in time out if I have to tell you one more time to pick up your trains and put them away.
Jack: I will do it.
Mommy: I want you to do it now, please...and thank you.
(Jack picks up his toys.)
Jack: Mommy, it's perfeck!
Conversation 2:
Mommy: Wyatt Cole! What are you doing in the water bowl? (He is standing in the cat's water dish with his shoes on.)
Wyatt: (Wyatt looks up at mommy. He blinks. He smiles at mommy and proceeds to dance in the water dish.)
Conversation 3:
Jack: (Jack fell down, hit his head on a chair and started to cry.)
Mommy: Jack!? Are you ok?
Jack: No!
Mommy: I'm so sorry you hurt your head!
Jack: Jackson's so sorry.
Conversation 4:
Child: (Choking noises from the dinning room)
Mommy & Daddy: (come running from the kitchen) Jack? Wyatt? Are you ok?!!!
Child: (More gagging noises coming from Wyatt who is sitting at the table sticking his plastic fork as far back in his mouth as possible.)
Mommy: WYATT!!! Don't do that, baby!
Wyatt: (Pulls for out of his mouth and smiles at mommy & daddy.)
Mommy: Thank you.
Wyatt: (Prompty sticks his fork into the back of his throat. Gagging noises ensue.)
Conversation 5:
Mommy: (Calling to Jack who is downstairs.) Jack? Are you hungry?
Jack: No.
Mommy: You don't want any breakfast?
Jack: No, mommy, Jackson's checkin' my e-mail.
Conversation 6:
Mommy: Jack, I want you to eat some noodles.
Jack: No oodles, mommy, no oodles.
Mommy: If you eat TWO noodles you can have some ice cream.
Jack: (Runs to the table, looks at the noodles, looks at mommy and walks off.)
Mommy: If you don't eat any noodles you can't have any ice cream. (Mommy thinks "This sounds like a song I know...")
Jack: (Plays around for a while. When no one is 'looking' he tries a noodle.) Mommy! Jackson say oddles is GOOD!
Conversation 7:
Mommy: WYATT! Put that down!
Wyatt: (Continues to do whatever he is doing.)
Mommy: Wyatt, give that to mommy.
Wyatt: (Ignores mommy.)
Mommy: Wyatt Cole, if you don't put that down, I will put you in time out.
Wyatt: (Did you hear something?)
Mommy: Wyyyy-aaattt, are you hungry?
Wyatt: (Drops everything he is holding and immediately runs to mommy.)
Conversation 8:
Mommy: Wyatt, you need to get off the potty chair so Jack can use it.
Wyatt: Grunts and giggles.
Mommy: Wyatt, Jack needs to use the potty. Please move.
Wyatt: (bounces on the potty chair.)
Jackson: Jackson say "Move, please."
Wyatt: Refuses to budge.
Mommy: (Takes a picture of Wyatt who smiles happily for the camera. Mommy then picks up Wyatt who begins screaming like the world has come to an end.)
Jackson: Jackson say "It's ok, Wyatt. Don cry..."
And the most frequent conversation of the week:
Conversation 9:
Sounds from offstage: Splash, splash, splash.
Mommy: Boys? What are you doing?
More splashing noises from offstage.
Mommy: (Moving toward the splashing sound.) Wyatt, are you playing in the toilet again?
Splashing noises continue from offstage.
Mommy: (Rounding the corner to the bathroom.)Wyatt! Don't put that (train, toy, book, box, diaper, washcloth, pretzel, banana) in the toilet!
Now both of my children are crying and I'm ready to pull out my hair. Send a few prayers for patience my direction. In the meantime, we love you all and wish you many blessings.
a, j, j & wy guy.
I was laughing out loud after 4 long days of tech!! Thank you for the hilarious blog about your children!!
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